Official BYC breeders list. Canada UK and USA New! N.P.I.P. breeders!

We are NPIP certified, number 61-82. Please add to our listing, and thanks!
No problem silkieluver I put you up swheat. Let me know if you see anything wrong. What part of Alabama are you from? South west?
I'd like to be on the list. I'm not NPIP certified as of yet, but it's on my to-do list. I just took 3 chickens to the fair, and they had to get tested so they're officially AOK, so I'm sure the rest of the flock is fine. Just gotta get in gear and get it official.

I've only sold eggs locally so far, but I'm willing to ship. I've gotten eggs in the mail several times, so I know how to pack.

I sell eggs, chicks and sometimes started birds of...

Standards - Wheaten Marans, Partridge Cochins, Lavender Ameraucanas, Silver Spangled Hamburgs.

Bantams - White Cochins & frizzles, Silver Laced Cochins, Mille Fleur D'Uccles, Silkies, & Sultans.

I'm in Southern Arkansas.......what else did you need to know?....did I leave anything out? You sure are good to do this! Thank you!
Check out the State section- AL - Rosecomb--something doesn't look right. Think it needs in the front of that line maybe...[...lies/smile.png[/IMG] Everything looks great !!!!
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All Bantam- NPIP- Ship eggs-Indiana (West Central)

Silkies Chl, Se Np
Ameraucana's b/b/s and lavender Chl, se np
cochins b/b/s se
d'uccles mille, porcelain, black and blue mottled
add me please for shipped eggs
black sex link
gold Lakenvelder
Blue laced red wyandotte available 2010
Wheaten Marans available 2010
I think I fixed it.
Thank you for pointing it out!

You others I am trying to add. It takes a while and it may be this evening before all of you are up. It is a ton of work to post all this stuff. Nevertheless I am very excited! I really want it to work out good so people can find us.
Thank you very much for all your help and submissions. Let me know if you have any other corrections or suggestions.

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