Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 07-29-22 Pic by Anime2lover

I'm TRYING to lay an egg... if any of you move just once more.. I am going to go medieval on all of you.

2 little hens would Snuggle in a pail.
The inside was cushioned with straw from a bale.
Overhead was a tarp to protect from hail.
It never tipped over, even in a stormy gale.
The only thing it lacked was room for a tail.
But toes stayed warm in winter, not like sitting on a rail.
And there was no worry about breaking a toe nail.
Henny said let's float this in the water & away we can sail.
Gertrude said no way, sailing makes me sick & pale.
Besides, I can't, cuz I'm waitin on the mail.
I ordered chicken mugs so we both can drink some ale.
Hey, that's a good idea, it goes well with some kale!
We have quite a bit, invite our friends the Quail.
Yeah they're pretty cool & smart, didn't they attend Yale?
Yup & they'll have lots to tell us 'bout their recent ski trip to Vail.

So when you hear some clucking from 2 chickens in a pail,
There's always interesting conversations goin on without fail.

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