Ended Official BYC Contest - Chicken and Egg Recipes - Win a BYC Cookbook!



Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
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We would like to see more of your great chicken and/or egg recipes in our BYC Community Recipes system, so we are launching a recipe contest for all the cooks out there! We would like to try your favourite chicken and/or egg dish recipes and if we like yours the most, you can win a copy of the The BYC Cookbook!


- Head over to the Recipes section (https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/4/Recipes)
- Create a recipe page with a complete list of ingredients, detailed instructions and AT LEAST one good photograph (bonus points if you include more
- See here for article/member page/coop page writing tutorial: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/953810/coop-pages-and-member-pages-tutorial-and-feedback/0_30
- Reply this this thread with a link to your recipe page.


- Only recipes that are based on eggs (or uses a lot of eggs), or chicken dishes will be accepted.
- Only two recipes per entrant will be accepted.
- Absolutely NO COPYRIGHTED recipes/images will be accepted! Please enter only original recipes, created by you, or someone you know (with their permission)

- Recipe pages must include the following: a complete, accurate list of ingredients, detailed instructions and at least one clear photograph of the completed dish.


1st place - A copy of The BYC Cookbook
2nd place - 3 month PFM for yourself or a friend
3rd place - 1 month PFM for yourself or a friend

**We will announce a deadline for this contest once we have at least 25 entries**
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My current favourite egg recipe is eggs benedict, but the recipe I'm going to put is probably my second favourite. To be fair, it's a very simple recipe, as I think all good recipes are. The trick is an avocado that is just perfectly ripe, not under or over, and lots of lime.

Unfortunately I sold my last half dozen eggs ten minutes ago. I will add a picture tomorrow once the girls have worked their magic. :)

Ham and avocado scrambled eggs. (feeds 2 as a breakfast, or 4 as a starter)

Prepartion time:- 5 minutes

Cooking time:- 5 minutes


1 Avocado, flesh removed and chopped in to small pieces.
4 large eggs.
1/2 tbsp creme fraiche.
50g lightly salted butter.
2 slices of parma ham or equivalent, cut in to small pieces.
Juice of 1 lime.
4 small cherry tomatoes.
Your choice of toasted bread product. (We have used all sorts, from Scottish "tattie scones" and Scottish crumpets, through the dark, moist rye bread and on to normal sliced bread. I've even done it using brioche buns, which add an interesting sweet twist to the recipe.)
Salt and pepper to taste.

Put bread on to toast. I like it fairly lightly toasted but however you like will work.
Cut avocado in half along the length. Twist the halves to separate and remove the stone by chopping in to it with a sharp knife and twisting. (good guide on removing an avocado stone safely here:-

Peel skin from avocado and chop in to small pieces. Put pieces in a bowl and add the lime juice (lemon juice can also be used if you prefer). Mash very lightly with a fork to make sure all surfaces are covered in juice.

Put a heavy bottomed pan on a medium heat and melt the butter. Once the butter is melted, crack the eggs in to the pan and heat initially over a medium heat, stirring constantly. Once the eggs start to cook, remove from the heat and keep stirring. Reduce the heat to a low flame, and return the eggs to the heat. Allow to cook a little more and then remove from the heat again. Stir constantly. Repeat three or four times, until the eggs are just barely set and velvety. Then add the creme fraiche and mix well. This will stop them over cooking. Season to taste.

Mix the eggs with the avocado and the finely chopped ham. Lightly butter the hot toast and spoon the mix over the bread. Quarter the tomatoes and use them to garnish, and serve hot.

Never add milk to scrambled eggs, or season them before cooking. This will lose that wonderful light, fluffy texture.

I know it's very simple, but good scrambled eggs are one of the worlds delights, and the mixture of salty, sweet and oily, with a little bit of sharpness from the tomatoes and the citrus kick will really set you up for the day!
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This is a great idea. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's entries. I probably won't qualify for the contest, as I don't have a picture of this dish, but here's my favorite recipe to turn that tough old rooster with a lifetime of flavors into a tender delicacy. It's my own version of Corfu Rooster:

1 rooster, cut into pieces, skin can be removed or left on;
7 garlic cloves, smashed (or more, I usually use a full head);
1 teaspoon cinnamon;
1 teaspoon salt;
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper;
3 or more tablespoons olive oil or lard (or avocado oil if browning using high heat);
1 tablespoon tomato paste (or more);
2 tablespoons red wine or cider vinegar;
2 medium onions halved and thickly sliced;
3 1/2 cups water (or for more flavor, use no water but add 15 oz tomato sauce and 1-2 quarts of raw-pack home canned tomatoes, or high quality commercially canned tomatoes, including the flavorful fluid);
1/2 cup dry white wine (or vermouth or other liquor), (I use Marsala);
1 teaspoon sugar, or an additional 1-2 teaspoons more, if needed to balance acidity of tomatoes;
Fresh toppings if desired (parsley, cilantro, mint, sour cream, Greek yogart, finely chopped onions, roasted garlic, sliced avocado, hummus, etc, whatever direction you want to take the flavor)

Pat chicken dry.
Mix together cinnamon, salt, and pepper in a small bowl.
Mix together tomato paste and vinegar in another small bowl.
Using a very large skillet or soup pot, heat oil in pan.
Place chicken pieces in hot oil. Quickly sprinkle half the cinnamon mix on top of chicken, then immediately turn the chicken pieces over and sprinkle the other half of the cinnamon mix on the other side. Brown the chicken, turning it over again to fully brown all sides (the first turn was just to apply the spices -- you could apply them before putting in pan, but it's easier this way). After the meat is browned on all sides, transfer it to a plate.
Add more oil to skillet if necessary and saute onions until golden; about 5 minutes.
Add garlic, saute another minute.
Stir in tomato paste and vinegar mix, saute for another minute.
Add wine and stir to deglaze the pan, which pulls all the flavors up from anything that stuck to the bottom.
Add the tomato sauce and canned tomatoes (or water, if not using tomatoes and sauce) and bring to a simmer.
Stir in sugar, 1/2 teaspoon at a time, tasting sauce after each addition of sugar to determine when the acidity of the tomatoes is properly balanced. After all sugar added, simmer uncovered for 5 minutes.
Then add chicken back into pot and simmer, covered, until tender (typically 1-3 hours, depending on how tough the rooster is, or only 35-45 minutes if using a young and tender CX). Most of my 8-12 month old Dorking cockerels take 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
If you want to thicken the sauce, transfer the chicken to a platter and boil sauce, uncovered, until it is reduced to desired thickness, stirring frequently (typically 10-20 minutes). I did that the first time, but my husband likes the thinner sauce better so I don't do this extra step now. Season with salt if needed (which it rarely is unless you use unsalted tomatoes, or use water instead of tomato sauce plus canned tomatoes for liquid).

Serve straight, or over your favorite starch (pasta, rice, french lentils, bulgar, cous cous, barley, winter squash, plantains, green peas, etc), or over greens (collards, bok choy, most asian greens, mizuna mustard, beet tops, any greens with a slightly sweet flavor or with only minimal bitterness -- nothing strongly flavored that would interfere with the sauce. Add toppings if desired.
Here is my favorite egg recipe. My husband makes it for me any day that he stays home and I have to work. It's his version of a frittata (open faced Italian omlet).

Ingredients (per serving):
1/2 medium onion, sliced not chopped, leaving the slices intact instead of separating the individual "slivers"
enough olive oil to coat the bottom of the pan about 1/16" thick
3 fresh chicken eggs (or 2 turkey eggs) for the individual serving in a 5-6" cast iron skillet
small amount of low fat or whole milk (the usual "glug" that we all add to scrambled eggs, however thick or thin you like it)
crumbled blue cheese, 2 tablespoons, or more, or a lot more
any other toppings, but nothing that will become too wet, or might over-complicate the basic flavors of eggs, blue cheese, and onion

Select a skillet that can go from stove top to broiler, so no plastic handles. Cast iron skillets are ideal. Select a skillet size where the ingredients will end up being 3/4 - 1" thick, based on number of servings.
Heat the olive oil over medium heat. Once warm, add the onion slices over the bottom of the pan. Cook about 5 minutes without mixing or turning or disturbing, until caramelized.
Scramble the eggs and milk together in a bowl until thoroughly mixed and somewhat fluffy (that's very subjective, I know -- takes about 30 seconds of hard mixing with a fork)
Pour the egg/milk mixture over the onions. Let cook on stove top undisturbed on medium heat until the sides are just starting to firm up, typically 1-2 minutes if using a cast iron skillet.
Add cheese, and any other toppings, over the entire top. Giggle pan just a bit so the cheese sinks into the uncooked eggs.
Transfer pan to broiler and cook for 4-5 minutes, or until center firm (accounting for the cheesy consistency) and the top is golden brown.
Gently remove from oven and let sit for 1-2 minutes in pan before serving. The end result should be about 1' thick, firm enough to hold its shape easily, somewhat souffle-like. somewhat airy, somewhat cheese without being gooey. The blue cheese provides all the salt and seasoning needed.

Serve as is, or if you need a really hardy breakfast to take to work with you, put between two pieces of plain dry whole wheat toast (Dave's Bread is my favorite) and wrap the sandwich in plastic wrap for 30-60 minutes. Some of the humidity from the eggs will slightly moisten the toast, making it warm and deliciously softish. It's a very high energy breakfast that will fuel you through until lunch, or if you're really busy, until dinner.
Avgolemono Soup

2 chicken breasts halves
or 1 rotisserie chicken meat pullled off and chopped (I only have chickens for eggs).
7 cups of chicken broth (I use low salt or make my own)
1/2 cup of Orzo
5 eggs
Juice of 4 to 5 lemons (more can be added at the end if you would like, I usually add more juice)
salt and pepper
parsley dried or fresh

Combine orzo and broth and bring to a simmer. Put a bit of this broth in a small bowl and set aside before adding the orzo.
Add the chicken to the broth and bring back to a simmer, if using fresh chicken cook till done maybe 45 minutes, If rotisserie then 20 minutes or so. If you used chicken breasts pull them out and shred with two forks or cut up bite size, return to pan. Bring back to a simmer then turn off pan.

In a large bowl whisk together the eggs, lemon juice and pepper until really emulsified, then slowly add in the hot broth you set aside and keep stirring the whole time you are adding in the broth, kind of drizzle it in slowly. I use a whisk and stir constantly. Add another scoop of the hot broth and keep on stirring. Now slowly pour this mixture back into the big pot of soup all the while stirring briskly again emulsifying. You are making sure the egg is cooked through and mixed well with the soup. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.

Add salt and more pepper to taste serve immediately. This can be reheated but don't let it go to a boil as you are reheating or you will get burnt egg stuck to the bottom of the pan.

Only a few ingredients and so easy to make restaurant quality soup! Great way to use up eggs.

@Brahma Bantam Boy and @Sydney Acres And @RVAFanfarmer Thank you for your submissions! Please the "How to Enter" bit in the first post. You need to create a page and enter by posting a link to the page here.
@sumi ,

I have already submitted the link to mine, but wondering if it is allowed to edit the recipe, to add pics or change formatting?

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