Ended Official BYC Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2012

What a laugh - some of the chickens I've seen around here look like that all year round. Being in the Southern Hemisphere (South Africa) and although we are having the wettest spring ever, my chooks are in full feather and producing clutch after clutch of chicks from under the bushes where they have hidden themselves and escaped my notice. Sneaky little bantams!
OMG! I love Kung Fu Henny and Berry. My 3 year old saw the pic of Berry and said, "Look, 'dat chicken is a stwabewwy!"
My Splash Copper Marans hen is molting and it looks like a bird blew up in their pen; feathers EVERYWHERE! When I first noticed them, I looked everywhere and did a head count to make sure I wasn't missing any birds. You can hardly tell she's molting, though, because her feathers are so dense. No bare spots at all yet.
WOWO,i sure am glad i saw this thread and looked at pix, if my chickens had done this , i probably would have knocked them in the head for fear i would catch it, I had no idea chickens moulted. thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for the info.
I really thought there was something wrong with one of mine I didn't know they did this. First year with chickens, turkeys & ducks.
I'm happy my girls aren't the only pathetic molters.
There are feathers all over our coop!
3 of our chickens have been pretty gradual about molting, but the 4th has noticeable bald patches all over! Its really funny. Unfortunately, its not really noticeable in the picture's we take. :(
I really thought there was something wrong with one of mine I didn't know they did this. First year with chickens, turkeys & ducks.
Our dad thought something was wrong with our chickens. Seeing all the feathers all over the place, in addition to the very small amount of eggs we were getting, he concluded that they must be sick or something!

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