Ended Official BYC Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures, Fall-Winter 2013

Our Angry Frizzle will be very pleased that she has her own photo category for the contest! She should be molting for the first time any day now.
And she should look pretty bad! She's pretty homely even when she has feathers. And she's a total complaining sourpuss which adds to her
character I think.
This is my Barred Plymouth Rock so please put it under the normal category. Thanks! :)

Not that bad, eh? ;)
Oh, my, now I am scared for Hattie, my EE, who just started dropping feathers!

Not all EEs molt that bad, my Easter Eggers have never molted so bare.
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Thanks for the reassurance. Hattie is only 10 weeks, so I am assuming it's just some sort of juvenile moult. Seems like they are in some sort of adolescent-ish growth-spurt right now. They double in size every two minutes and eat like teenage boys. Maybe they will be good candidates for this contest next fall :)
This is what she is suppose to look like and poor thing, this is what she looks like right now. She is saying, "Do you really want to take a picture of me looking like this? It's so embarrassing!"
yeah, mine is too, although I've ready that if they are too much of a frizzle that they become considered a curly and it's harder for them to keep warm. I feel so bad, mine is about bald.
I'm in Fairbanks Alaska and winter decided to arrive on the 18th of Sept. We have already had snow. Since my white frizzle was molting so bad I brought her and her buddy in the house to make sure they were warm enough. She gets right under the black hen to keep warm just like a chick would. I need to make her a fleece apron

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