Ended Official BYC Contest - Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2015

cani use the oil ? Lol
I will so try anything ! I have a few more molting but nothing close to what's on this thread. Couldn't hurt! Anything good wise you can think of?

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I went out to the coop/ run this morning.. and it looked like a chicken exploded.. one of my buffs obviously is in a major molt. I'm just trying to figure out which one since I have several.. if this keeps up it'll be obvious really soon. LOL

This is my blue Ameraucana, Sage. Poor baby just wants to perch on me. I guess mommy is supposed to make it all better. Category "all other breeds"
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This is a BCM chick. Only about 10 weeks or so. Hatched for the EHAL from eggs i picked up near home. Thought for sure i was slipped a naked neck lol.Had never seen anything like it before.
This is a BCM chick. Only about 10 weeks or so. Hatched for the EHAL from eggs i picked up near home. Thought for sure i was slipped a naked neck lol.Had never seen anything like it before.
Very interesting! Is the plumage starting to grow? I have a hen on this thread who has no new plumage growing. The bare wings look like my hens body.
I would be curious if your chickens will grow or stay like mine. It's been a good 6 months. And nothing ! Just gets worse!
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