Official BYC Mini Contest #5 - Take a picture of your Poultry with their 'Other' Friends Contest

she's a funny bird, she had a twin named apple (peach has a beard, apple did not) they used to sleep on the hay rack in her stall, and apple got sick (heat) and died. After apple died peach started sleeping on Trixies rump, and i would catch them in the paddock sun bathing together

i think peach has finally figured out that she is a chicken, and now roosts with the other chickens

I thought you were gonna say the started dust bathing together

So sorry about the loss of Apple..
Love Boomer the Cocker Spaniel minding his birds.  :love   I used to raise Cockers years ago  and know how great they are.

Boomer just turned 15 in August and has always tried to mother every animal on the farm. He's always been very gentle. In July he was happy to adopt 10 baby chicks. Now that they are in the big coop outside he goes out and walks around the run and cries for them. The one day I let him in the run and he went under the coop with them and wouldn't come out!

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