Ended Official BYC Mini Contest - Post a pic of your broody hen and chicks and



First, Angel lost her only chick to a cold snap, and then when a chick from another hen's brood adopted her, it succumbed to the cold too. Poor, heartbroken Angel could only watch other broodies with their chicks, having none to care for of her own. Luckily for Angel, there was a big batch of eggs in my incubator, due to hatch any day! When the new babies started emerging from their shells, I brought Angel inside to meet them, and she ended up adopting every single one--plus two older chicks I'd gotten in the mail that were struggling to compete with the larger chicks in their brood. When it was all said and done, Angel had adopted 21 chicks--which may account for her bewildered expression.

Anna, my resident super broody, with her latest brood of chicks. Although she is an excellent mom, the bad weather this winter has made her job exceptionally difficult, claiming four of her original seven chicks. Her remaining three chicks are doing very well though, and have nearly finished feathering out. (They've also ditched their mom for a bigger, warmer broody, but that's another story!)

This Wasnt supposed to be the actual momma haha. Sweet Pea, Muscovy, The Biological Mom was laying the eggs when little 5 month old Hollow decided she needed to have some kids. So she helped/took over the the incubation, But only stayed with the chicks for about 2 weeks before she was done with them, then Sweet Pea finished raising them. Still have the one in the close up, ended up being a Beige/Barred.

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