Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

Entry 1
Delilah and Dahlia
Such beautiful pictures! In the second picture, she looks like she's confused about what you might be doing. 😄
Thats funny, your right, lol she initially didnt notice me when she turned and seen me kinda on all 4's crawling to get as close to the fluff as possible before she noticed 🤣:p🐔❤️
Entry 1
Delilah and Dahlia
View attachment 3680442
Oh my heart goes pitter patter when I first seen🥰🐓 They have those feathers that instead of being super tight and slick to the body, instead, almost seem to have air inbetween. Like, floofy, soft feathers. The colors are so lovely. I love them, may I have them? 😍
Oh my heart goes pitter patter when I first seen🥰🐓 They have those feathers that instead of being super tight and slick to the body, instead, almost seem to have air inbetween. Like, floofy, soft feathers. The colors are so lovely. I love them, may I have them? 😍
Thank you! I love a good fluffy butt!They are extremely fluffy, very loose feathering, lol, and no ma'am, they're mine😉😊
I love their names! What breeds are they? The black one looks like the fluffiest. 🥰
Thank you! I came up with the black ones name first (the black dahlia, great movie) and Delilah just seemed right. They're English Orpingtons. Dahlia is extremely "poofy" and a broody repeat offender, over and over and...

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