Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

I know. I wish I had gotten the person's contact information because I've had other chickens I would have sent there too. I have noticed a lot of people have crop problems with the Speckled Sussex. I don't know if it's common with them, or it was just me noticing it when I was taking care of Jewels.
Funny cause my speckled I've had 5 months appears to have a very low crop. Shes 2 yrs old this November. Never seen it like 'bulb-like' as happens with the other 6.
Funny cause my speckled I've had 5 months appears to have a very low crop. Shes 2 yrs old this November. Never seen it like 'bulb-like' as happens with the other 6.
Do you know if she's emptying it or if it ever gets hard? Jewels' appeared like she had sour crop (without the white) and often was puking up her water. (She drank a LOT of water.) A crop bra helped a lot and some sour crop treatment helped some too. At some point, she got a very badly impacted crop because I had taken her crop bra off. I ended up doing a sour and impacted crop treatment combo for her, and that was the only thing that helped her crop, which was usually a temporary fix.
What is the rooster's name? He looks young. Yes, I have chickens- 17 to be exact. I used to own other poultry like geese, ducks, guinea fowl, and turkeys.
the roosters name is fluffles when I was younger Like closer to ten now im 19 but I named him after the rooster I had as a little kid oh yes he is young not quite a rooster right now a cockerel only like 5-7months old but its hard to remember because I hatch chicks over diffrent months hes going to grow more to like a chicken teddy bear lol I have 33 hens two roosters right now they dont fight im new to owning roosters there both still young i already found a home for the other one if they start to not get along they seem to get along now there both docile breeds the other one is a welsummer and I used to have turkeys.
the roosters name is fluffles when I was younger Like closer to ten now im 19 but I named him after the rooster I had as a little kid oh yes he is young not quite a rooster right now a cockerel only like 5-7months old but its hard to remember because I hatch chicks over diffrent months hes going to grow more to like a chicken teddy bear lol I have 33 hens two roosters right now they dont fight im new to owning roosters there both still young i already found a home for the other one if they start to not get along they seem to get along now there both docile breeds the other one is a welsummer and I used to have turkeys.
Aw, Fluffles fits him. 🥰 Because you're new with roosters if you ever need help with them, there are plenty of people around that can help you. 33 ladies is more than enough for him, so I bet he's a pretty happy fellow there.
Aw, Fluffles fits him. 🥰 Because you're new with roosters if you ever need help with them, there are plenty of people around that can help you. 33 ladies is more than enough for him, so I bet he's a pretty happy fellow there.
do you know if there is anything I can do to help the roosters be alble to stay together
do you know if there is anything I can do to help the roosters be alble to stay together
since fluffles is bigger in older will that help with it or will it make it worse you know like will my welsummer just not bother the light brahma.
Have they been together all their lives? If they are separated, they'll fight. Are they free ranged?

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