Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Fluffy Butt Photo Contest

they have been together there whole life although my wellsummer is 1-2 months younger one of my hens hatched him later after the light brahma was hatched by a diffrent one they have never fought I do not free range but dont worrry they have around 2000 sqaure feet some of it grass I used to free range but I have woods behind my house so theres aton of brawd winged hawks some balled eagles they were all getting eaten like 3 years ago maybe it wouldent be a problem but dont feel like risking it 2000 sqaure feet is big enough for 33 hens and 2 roosters right or do I need to expand I will change it to if its the bear minimum
they have been together there whole life although my wellsummer is 1-2 months younger one of my hens hatched him later after the light brahma was hatched by a diffrent one they have never fought I do not free range but dont worrry they have around 2000 sqaure feet some of it grass I used to free range but I have woods behind my house so theres aton of brawd winged hawks some balled eagles they were all getting eaten like 3 years ago maybe it wouldent be a problem but dont feel like risking it 2000 sqaure feet is big enough for 33 hens and 2 roosters right or do I need to expand I will change it to if its the bear minimum
2,000 square feet? That's more than my house! Yeah, I think that should be enough. If they are doing well together, then I would allow them to stay together. With that many hens, they should have enough to keep them both happy. I would watch for trouble as they get older just be be safe, but I think they will be fine.
yeah every day I hangout with my hens If I am on a buisness trip my freind wathces them hes the house down the road from mine he has chickens to I usally have to go places because I am a wildlife photographer I sell my work at shows Im not a celebrity or anything but im pretty good and know my camreas I used to hunt so that takes some pateince photography takes alot ! anyways sorry kinda got of track there my point was I will notice if my roosters are fighting sorry for bad grahmer and spelling im in arush
Its not realy a neighborhood its basically like farm land. My property is only 4.5362 acres but I have a horse and some crops. When I am 23-25 I plan on starting a chick hatchery business but, who knows I would have to quit photography. The one other thing as important as chickens besides my family. If I do Im moving up to pennstate the college. I only went there for a year dropped out I couldn't find my place there so maybe ill go up there. The one thing I did like was all the woods and farmland.
yeah every day I hangout with my hens If I am on a buisness trip my freind wathces them hes the house down the road from mine he has chickens to I usally have to go places because I am a wildlife photographer I sell my work at shows Im not a celebrity or anything but im pretty good and know my camreas I used to hunt so that takes some pateince photography takes alot ! anyways sorry kinda got of track there my point was I will notice if my roosters are fighting sorry for bad grahmer and spelling im in arush
Yeah, if you see your roosters fighting, then they should be separated.
Time Clock GIF by MOODMAN

Time to get those last minute entries in! This contest ends tomorrow, November 30th, 2023, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.

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