Official BYC Poll - Which Breed Characteristics/Traits are the Most Important to You?

Which characteristics/traits are the most important to you?

  • Egg production

    Votes: 115 54.8%
  • Climate hardiness (Can withstand very hot/cold conditions)

    Votes: 92 43.8%
  • Temperament

    Votes: 155 73.8%
  • Dual purpose (Good egg laying and good meat bird)

    Votes: 36 17.1%
  • Broodiness - Good mother/setter

    Votes: 24 11.4%
  • Aesthetics / Looks

    Votes: 77 36.7%
  • Good free ranging/foraging abilities

    Votes: 58 27.6%

  • Total voters
I pick replacement stock on an entire variety of traits.
  • Correct conformation
  • Temperament
  • Hardiness (not just temperature climes but the ability to be robust under less than ideal conditions)
  • Excellent free-ranging capabilities
  • Easy keeping (as in gaining/doing well on less feed etc.)
All of the above have to be stellar or I'm not going to get a chance to select for egg laying traits or those below.
  • Duel purpose
  • Egg laying
  • Longevity in life and in laying capability
  • Aesthetics
  • Broodiness AND mothering ability. Because some hens can be excellent setters but are not good mother material.
I select my birds on the merits of the entire list above. I feel the entire list is key to producing the birds I desire. It will take longer to achieve the entire list, but it will be well worth the extra time.

*Broodiness is the only trait that is not as key in some of my birds because I have too many that are extreme broodies already. I'd like to temper the extreme broodies I have to a less broody (As in less amount of times to go broody) but still retain the excellent mothering qualities.

I agree with this... with one slight difference, temperament above conformation... I don't care how perfect a bird looks for the breed if it's nasty, I have and will always cull out bad temperaments... be it towards people or more importantly, towards other flock members...

But I am also lucky to usually have a plethora of choices to pick from for my keepers as well, so I can afford to put that trait ahead of the rest...
For me is how
they look.
Here's my ideal chicken:

- Small comb, preferably cushion, but pea or rose is fine. God I hate frostbite. So
Climate hardiness.

- Super tame, flies up on my shoulder when I walk by and climbs up on my lap when I sit down (but, if possible, I want this to be combined with good vigilance against predators). Also, no rooster-human aggression whatsoever. Also, I want them to be active and often get up to fun shenanigans, no Orpingtons that just stand around all day. Furthermore, I don't want them to murder newcomers, like Red Sex Links.So Temperament.

Good free ranging/foraging abilities, but not because I want to save money or get rid of bugs, but because it ties in to the previous point.

I couldn't care less about egg production (I don't even like eggs that much) or appearance... Okay, I prefer if they are camouflage colored, so predators don't see them. And I don't want them to have weird stuff that could jeopardize their health, such as leg feathers that increase the risk of leg mites and dirty or wet and cold legs.
I kind of love them all. We are only allowed five so we have 3 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Isa Browns, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 White rocks and 1 brahma. (I think they meant five KINDS of chickens...right?). They're all friendly and laying but I have to say the best for eggs seem to be the Isa Browns. Huge brown eggs. I can't say who has the best personality though. They're all pretty tame and food motivated so they do come when called after a bit of training with hot dogs or meal worms.
I keep them for their gardening value - eating bugs, scarifying grass, mobile fertilizer etc. while roaming around as much as for eggs, so good foraging and predator awareness is key for me. I also ticked dual purpose because that's what most heritage breeds were, and I pick them to help preserve the breeds.
My picks - in order of my own personal preference are:
1. Temperament - I've got a grandson that just turned a year old, in a few years I'll let him pick his very own chicken to adopt (kept here of course) so he can learn some responsibility.
2. Aesthetics - Let's face it, why have birds that are not visually appealing as WELL as being docile/loving pets.
3. Broodiness - I'd rather not have to buy/start over. I like birds that are good mothers, and will raise chicks so I don't have to do the incubator, brooder, work of getting them ready to enter the coop.
The purpose for my flock is bug control mainly foraging grasshopper hoards and reduced use of pesticides. They have performed well. Of course there is a lot less grass spiders, roaches, and beetles in our flower beds also. And not suprising is the inabilty to raise small flowering plants because they dig up the flower beds. Some roses and sages are staked within chicken wire to protect them from being dug up and rabbits from girding them. All my hens used to be part of my friends egg business but now dont produce a lot of eggs. They still eat a lot of bugs. If only they could wipe out fire ants! I would add enjoyment watching them in your poll because i would rather watch them than TV.
@Akrnaf2, that hen is gorgeous!

I have to agree with @Ravynscroft, hardiness for me goes way beyond heat and cold tolerance. The most important trait for me is a strong immunity system. It's no good for them to be pretty, good layers, cold and heat hearty or good foragers if they drop dead from the Marek's disease that I fought last year. Breeding for strong genetics has to be the number one trait that I find desirable in chickens.

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