Official BYC Poll: Why Do You Have Chickens - Select All That Apply

I raise chickens for (you can choose more than one):

  • Pets

    Votes: 1,736 71.6%
  • Eggs

    Votes: 2,258 93.1%
  • Meat

    Votes: 640 26.4%
  • Fertilizer

    Votes: 924 38.1%
  • Bug Control

    Votes: 1,018 42.0%
  • More interesting and/or easy than other animals

    Votes: 642 26.5%
  • Other (please specify in reply comments)

    Votes: 257 10.6%
  • Showing & Exhibition

    Votes: 219 9.0%

  • Total voters
My others include: The crap in our food chain scares me and this is one small step in the opposite direction, its rewarding and wholesome to produce my own food, the direction this country is heading scares me and I want to be as self sufficient as possilble, they are soothing and relaxing to hang out with, and I want to be a farmer when I grow up
I got in it for the eggs, but it's become so much more... I love to cook and garden, and I like to know where my food comes from. This is my first year raising chickens, and to be honest I was skeptical about it. I've never been fond of pet birds, and I'd never really been around chickens and thought they would be smelly and loud and a lot of work - turns out only the loud part is true (once they got out of the brooder, anyway).

I love that they are low maintenance, friendly (since they started laying, at least) and that they are little composting machines. It's really a great thing to watch them go crazy over leftovers that otherwise would be sitting in the compost bin for weeks - and the wonderful eggs we get in return!

It makes me so happy to go out and sit with them and watch them chase bugs and take dust baths, knowing that they get to follow their instincts and just be chickens. It makes my stress melt away to see them come running towards me and follow me all around the yard. As many others have said, it's really a form of therapy.
Why do I have chickens:

I initially got chickens for the eggs.

This has changed and grown from just the eggs to the emotional component of having pets and caring for them. One of my biggest satisfactions is the "taking care" of them, the act of assuring of their well being and nurturing.

I invest a lot of myself, and "anthroporphize" them which is common for those people who own pets. It's part of the fun.

So, to simplfy the list:

1. Eggs
2. pets
3. fertilzer
4. Home grown food
I'm going to bump this since it has been a year since the last post. We've got a lot of new members since then and I think there might be an interest.

I did notice that the percentages did not change a lot as more people posted. They seemed to settle in pretty quickly and hold the same values.
I got my start with chickens when a neighbor got a bunch of chicks and knew nothing about them and most of them died after a time. What was horrible is they never removed the dead ones or cleaned up the poo. They had them on a shelf in a shed with a piece of chicken wire as a wall. So what poo didn't roll out was packed down. She came to me when her husband made a coop and asked if they could be bathed. I figured it had to be better than poo covered. They already looked wet. So since I had no idea myself and it was a very hot day we put them in a cage we had and I put the sprayer on mist and hosed them down. Put them in the sun to dry and they started preening and then lounging in the sun to dry.

They where put in the pen, then she got some adults a little bit later and asked me if it would be ok to put them in with the chicks which where teenagers by then. Well, of course I had no idea so she put them in and the roo killed off all the boys. She lost interest in them. And she asked me if I wanted them and of course by this time we had been throwing feed in to them and doing our best to get water in their bucket. They had a lock on their door and we couldn't go in. Their feed bucket was out from under the shelter and was full of water and their water was under the shelter where we couldn't reach it. There where dead chickens rotting away. Partially eaten by the living chickens. It was the worst sight anybody could see.

We got them, cleaned them up and removed the dead bodies and their pen. DH and our (at the time) youngest grandson made a pen for them. I had no idea what breeds they where or anything. I had chickens years ago but they where white leghorns and we had them for a few months before the wildlife picked them off. Their run wasn't covered which is one of the biggest mistakes a person can make in my opinion. Critters would just crawl right in. So I wasn't experienced with chickens but I became a member here and have learned so much. I never knew there was so much to know about chickens. I never realized they where actually smart. I always just went by the old wives tale that chickens are the most stupid animals because their brain is so tiny.

They are smart animals and great pets. I love each and every one of mine. Even the ones without names. I try my best not to get attached to the chicks if I plan to sell them but it's hard.

DH tells people we got into chickens when our grandson wanted to put some in the show Tyson holds every year at the fair. But we had chickens before that. It is what got me interested in shows though

Tyson Foods offers for the kids in this county $10 for 25 chicks and a bag of chick starter. The kids are to take care of the chicks and fatten them up in a couple of months to show. They have to pick out 3 pullets that are the biggest but also closest to the same size for the show and the rest they can do what they want with. They have to bathe them for the show and show them. Tyson holds a class for the kids to show those how to handle and take care of the chickens and how to show them and whats expected. At the show they show them just like they do anywhere else except the chickens they bring don't go home with them. After the show there is an auction. Businesses will bid on the chickens but they don't get them. They all go in a truck and after the show they get taken to the local processing plant that processes all kinds of things like road kill, scraps from processing plants of all kinds. They collect used cooking oil and grease from business. Different things then go to other places like make-up companies and dog food plants. Alpo is one of the places that gets their cooked meal from this plant. Thats why I never give my dogs Alpo. There is alot of rotten animal scraps and whole rotten animals cooked down and made into a meal.

Anyway, thats how I got into chickens. BYC is the reason I got into silkies and sizzles.
Ya'all are huge enablers, but I love everybody for their willingness to lend a hand to anybody that asks for help and advice.
The friendships I've made with people on this site are just wonderful. I can talk about my chickens and nobody gets bored here.
T.they make me :cool:happy,
eggs, they make me smile, fertilizer, they make me happy, yard ornaments, exercise (all that fertilizer collecting etc.), meat, and did I say they make me happy!
Wow, don't know how I did that. I'll try again. They make me happy! then theres the whole eggs, meat, fertilizer thing. Yesterday one caught a mouse. There they go making me happy again.

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