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I am an extreme book worm so here are some questions on reading material.

What is the best beginner book that you guys have ever read on Paganism? Which books influenced you the most? Are there any books that you feel that a well stocked pagan library must have?
Others will pooh pooh this choice but it was Silver Ravenwolf's book that really set the wheels in motion. Everything about her sort of fluffy thoughts clicked with me. It was a huge shock to find out that I could believe in the things that were important to ME and that there wasn't any big book or some important person who was going to tell me what I was supposed to believe. I don't go to hell if I don't believe in Fairies or do Magick. This was HUGE for me coming from such a repressive Christian background. I've since gone on to many, many, many other authors and at this point Silver's books do seem a little trite but she'll always hold a special place in my heart.
Personally I love Silver Ravenwolfs books , they are awesome for beginners.. To ride a silver broomstick and to stir a magic cauldron are my favs.. Also "A Withces Bible" by Janet and Stewart Ferrar is a must read.... Also a Tarot book that was recommended to me and I love (even though i dont use Tarot books, just intuition) is Tarot in Ten Minutes.. Awesome book with tons of Info on the symbolism of tarot , it covers numerology, symbolism, secrets and tricks of the trade for remebering the meaning of cards.. I reccomend you stay away from Allister Crowley books as he is Thelemic and very dark natured.. Aslo Janet and stewart Ferrar tend to lean much more towards Gardenarian and so I only take the history from thier books not the rituals..
I would also suggest that Starhawk is a definite must read. I personally adore Patricia Telesco. A very important book in my opinion is Triumph Of the Moon by Ronald Hutton. It really goes into great detail about the history of Paganism, the development of Christianity, and the subsequent fall suppression of all things Pagan. It's a little dry and professorial but I really loved it.
I will look into all those books that you both suggested. The opinions on Ravenwolf are so varied and heated that I wasn't certain if I should read her. My local Books A Million carries some of her books. Richard Hutton's book was one that I already wanted to purchase.
Lots of people got mad at her when she did the Teen Witch book.. She didnt cover nearly enough history or spell loer in that book... But I truly cannot put into words how much she helped me when i first got started..
Lots of people got mad at her when she did the Teen Witch book.. She didnt cover nearly enough history or spell loer in that book... But I truly cannot put into words how much she helped me when i first got started..

I will definitely check her out.
Lots of people got mad at her when she did the Teen Witch book.. She didnt cover nearly enough history or spell loer in that book... But I truly cannot put into words how much she helped me when i first got started..

LOL! Yeah, you want to get a large group of witches stirred up just start a conversation about Silver! But I concur, she is THE reason I've found the peace I have found in my faith.
I concur on the conversation about Silver's books. She is a good read for beginners, but once you get going, it's time to take something more substantial. You have to face the reality that not everything goes according to plan, and there's a good chance that your family and friends won't accept your newly chosen path and you will run in opposition from all sides, it seems.
The first book I read was the "dummies" one....and my wife (g/f at the time) suggested Scott Cunningham's books.
Also, when you want to get started on the Sabbats and WOTY, check out the Llewellyn online store.

On another eggs yet. I just don't understand it! I don't think they're eating them...but I'm not sure if they're laying them either. Hmm....
Take care,
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