Thank you for the information about bad moms. I was blessed. When one of the hens in my coop hatched out an egg (only 1 hatched) she was a great mom, but even better, all of her coop mates turned into great moms. All the hens actively took part in helping to raise the chick. No scuffles, nothing.
Sadly we had to remove the broodies from the coop with the chicks. One is a BC Maran and the other is a Wyandotte/Amerucana Olive egger. The broodies were making a horrible mess with the wood chips and they would cover the feed and water with chips within 30-60 min of us cleaning it up. So we decided to remove the wood chips and add hay to the floor. To do this we needed to move the broodies and the babies out. When we put them back, the OE was trying to kill the BCM. So we decided to move the OE out, at the same time, the BCM decided that she didn’t like the legbar pullets and started attacking them she also wasn’t nice to the other chicks the OE had, but she wasn’t horrible. So we put the OEs chicks plus the legbars in a bin inside the coop with a lid. My mom saw the BCM broody trying to attack the bin chick through the lid and she wasn’t always very nice to her own chicks. So we decided to remove her as well and just brood the chicks with brooder heat plates. Some of the chicks were really noisy for the first hour but they are now used to it and are fairly content. I’ll check on them tonight to make sure they all go under the plate. I think we upset the balance of things by moving them and having the broodies too close to each other is what made it not work.

I’m actually relieved. This will make it easier for me to add my Cornish chicks when they hatch in almost 2 weeks. I’ve done brooding situation with chicks as much as 4 weeks older than the youngest chicks and it worked well. Now I don’t have to set up a second brooder for the Cornish chicks. I’ll probably keep them in a brooder for at least 5-7 days after hatch so I can watch them and make sure they are doing well.

Oh, cute picture. My mom went out to check them earlier and heard peeping coming from the feeder. She found this chick inside the feeder looking rather miffed. This chick is named Fluff. Foster Son 1 named her. She has the fluffiest cheeks of all the chicks. I think she’s a lavender Amerucana.
Sadly we had to remove the broodies from the coop with the chicks. One is a BC Maran and the other is a Wyandotte/Amerucana Olive egger. The broodies were making a horrible mess with the wood chips and they would cover the feed and water with chips within 30-60 min of us cleaning it up. So we decided to remove the wood chips and add hay to the floor. To do this we needed to move the broodies and the babies out. When we put them back, the OE was trying to kill the BCM. So we decided to move the OE out, at the same time, the BCM decided that she didn’t like the legbar pullets and started attacking them she also wasn’t nice to the other chicks the OE had, but she wasn’t horrible. So we put the OEs chicks plus the legbars in a bin inside the coop with a lid. My mom saw the BCM broody trying to attack the bin chick through the lid and she wasn’t always very nice to her own chicks. So we decided to remove her as well and just brood the chicks with brooder heat plates. Some of the chicks were really noisy for the first hour but they are now used to it and are fairly content. I’ll check on them tonight to make sure they all go under the plate. I think we upset the balance of things by moving them and having the broodies too close to each other is what made it not work.

I’m actually relieved. This will make it easier for me to add my Cornish chicks when they hatch in almost 2 weeks. I’ve done brooding situation with chicks as much as 4 weeks older than the youngest chicks and it worked well. Now I don’t have to set up a second brooder for the Cornish chicks. I’ll probably keep them in a brooder for at least 5-7 days after hatch so I can watch them and make sure they are doing well.

Oh, cute picture. My mom went out to check them earlier and heard peeping coming from the feeder. She found this chick inside the feeder looking rather miffed. This chick is named Fluff. Foster Son 1 named her. She has the fluffiest cheeks of all the chicks. I think she’s a lavender Amerucana.
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I put the feed and water up on bricks or something, but broodies can turn the whole place upside down in a heartbeat
I put the feed and water up on bricks or something, but broodies can turn the whole place upside down in a heartbeat
The waters were raised. They just heeped the chips 6 inches high all around the waterers.

Glad I doubled checked. ALL the chicks were piled up in the corner where one of the broodies would sit. Had to shove handfuls of chicks under the heater plate.
Hi Moly! So good to see you!

Oh man. I currently have 10 hens, no roosters. My girls are all getting old and they all stopped laying! It used to kill me to buy eggs, but I just resigned myself to it (and, I just ordered 4 day olds to come in a couple months from MPC, yay!)

I still have 4 girls from my very first flock.💖 My Silkies Big Bird and Olive (they are 6.5 years old now), my sweetest most beautiful chicken in the whole world, Flower (Mille Fleur D'Uccle), Brahma bantam Deilah (named after Smuvers the OG Squatch), then my two Cemani girls, and my little Seramas Fergus, Susie, Skylar, and Peach. My flock has grown and shrunk, and I've lost 4 dear roos. This is the smallest amount of chickens I've had.

I still have my three old dogs--Bucco, Penny, and Emma Rose. I love them dearly!

I got a parrot a few years ago, her name is Kiwi, She's a GCC. She's a little bitch but I love her! I also have two axolotls, and two other freshwater tanks. It's a zoo here but I love it!
Oh wow. It's been forever! Now we just need Stacy, Smuv, and about 10 other people to stop in. (Jealous of your axols!) Really happy to see you around.
My goodness, so many things have happened. So sorry to hear about Chicka. Wishing the best for rjohns too. Grammy, I hope you get into your new house soon, and that it meets your needs perfectly. Oh, I hope the move goes super smooth too. Having moved multiple times, I can honestly say I hate moving. To me the packing things up is no fun, but unpacking it all in the new home is the hardest part.

I start chemo on the 28th of this month. I think I'm starting to see that the cause of my cancer reactivating, has to do with the length of my hair. It all falls out during chemo, grows back in, and after several years, finally gets long. When it gets long, that's when the cancer re-activates, so I have to go through it all over again. I won't complain too much, since the chemo has added many more years to my life than expected.
I'm so sorry you're going though all of that. Maybe a cute pixie cut for the future so as not to tempt fate.
Glad the kids are doing well. Do the parents have visitation rights?

I got one of those emails for the byherds group from niftychicken.
Same. It's such a great idea... it feels a bit like a high school reunion.. except I like you all.
Oh wow. It's been forever! Now we just need Stacy, Smuv, and about 10 other people to stop in. (Jealous of your axols!) Really happy to see you around.

I'm so sorry you're going though all of that. Maybe a cute pixie cut for the future so as not to tempt fate.

Same. It's such a great idea... it feels a bit like a high school reunion.. except I like you all.
Good to see you ☺️
I quit asking what happened to people. Not that I don't care, it's just easier to think they are happily busy than something else.

Look what I nearly walked over this morning while taking the kiddos to feed the chickens. It’s well hydrated (ear tips aren’t curled) so mama is nearby. I put stakes near it so we don’t step on it.

The kids wanted so to pet it so badly but I nipped that in the bud.
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Look what I nearly walked over this morning while taking the kiddos to feed the chickens. It’s well hydrated (ear tips aren’t curled) so mama is nearby. I put stakes near it so we don’t step on it.

The kids wanted so to pet it so badly but I nipped that in the bud.
Cutie pie
I have a couple spots that looks like one was laying down. 2 does are hanging around

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