Oh My God, The Government Wants to Kill My Chickens (MS)

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I am very sorry about your chickens..
You should say to the government "Think about the chickens!"
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Well, supposedly I'll get a call tomorrow that will offer more clarification and/or action. I will let everyone know. I've been trying not to freak out too hard, in the meantime.
The back yarders and commercial poultry industry had best learn to sing in perfect harmony. I no longer have a dog in this fight but it is cruel in the extreme to knowingly subject any chicken to a deadly and incurable disease like MS, when you could instead be raising healthy and contented birds.

The animal rights organizations like PETA or HSUS will use some of the views expressed here to paint back yard chicken keepers with the same broad brush that they use to smear the commercial poultry concerns. Concerns that have made possible the relative close confinement of chickens that some of us mistakenly call "free range".

Remember both PETA as well as HSUS condemn eating eggs, the artificial incubation of chicks and ducklings, as well as keeping chickens for PETS. Let this be a learning moment for us. Don't let yourself get yanked around for no good reason.
As someone said earlier in a post, it is always best to stay completely off the government's radar - COMPLETELY! As Amish friend told me about them, to the US government they don't even exist. That is pretty dang smart in my opinion.
The back yarders and commercial poultry industry had best learn to sing in perfect harmony. I no longer have a dog in this fight but it is cruel in the extreme to knowingly subject any chicken to a deadly and incurable disease like MS, when you could instead be raising healthy and contented birds.

The animal rights organizations like PETA or HSUS will use some of the views expressed here to paint back yard chicken keepers with the same broad brush that they use to smear the commercial poultry concerns. Concerns that have made possible the relative close confinement of chickens that some of us mistakenly call "free range".

Remember both PETA as well as HSUS condemn eating eggs, the artificial incubation of chicks and ducklings, as well as keeping chickens for PETS. Let this be a learning moment for us. Don't let yourself get yanked around for no good reason.

Thank you.

When my beloved nuisance Black Star, Big Bird, became ill I took her to the vet twice. The first time was when she had dropped a pound; the last time was about a week later than I wanted to because my regular vet was out of town and I finally located another vet who treats chickens. When I brought her in the doctor, who had done her poultry rotation in Sri Lanka, honestly told me that treatment could be very expensive and futile, and that she could run tests, but diagnosis was difficult in poultry and usually done by necropsy in a sacrificed bird.

I asked if she would be willing to euthanize my poor biddy because it seemed clear to me that recovery was unlikely, and anything we did to Big Bird would be seen as torture since she wouldn't understand what we were doing and that she had been through enough. The vet was more than willing, and was surprised I would agree to this. It seems many people will let a pet suffer because they can't give them up. I bawled like a baby.

After my poor biddy was euthanized I sent her to UC Davis for a necropsy. She had what I had suspected - a reproductive tumor, with foci on her intestines and her ovary.
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