Oh no! I think I may have a rooster!


6 Years
Apr 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ.

This morning I heard what sounded like a strangled little crow coming repeatedly from my 3 month old Polish hen Maude. Are those saddle feathers I see? I need an expert to tell me that I am wrong, this is a hen. Please and thank you!

I think you're thinking right--that looks like a roo to me.
Looks like a Polish Roo to me.

Here's what my female Polish looks like. Notice the feathers on the head are smoother and more shaped. The roo's get .. well ... crazy hair.
Also note that near tail how there are long curved feathers & the tail is much longer and more curved.

Dahlia's tail looks a little beat up in this one, but I'll see if I can get a better one of her since her feathers have all sorted themselves out.

Well i dont think you would be able to tell for sure but it does look like a rooster. Here is my black Polish

Here's a newer photo showing her tail. She is laying btw.

And here's one I think shows the shape of the feathers on her head better.

Anyway hope this helps. :) Sorry for all the spam pictures. I went through three Roo's before I finally just purchased a hen from City Farm. It was super hard to find a new home for my last Roo (as in for me I really liked him). He was impersonating David Bowie.. and well!
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