Oh No! ~ Is there any hope?

Sorry, I have to concur, no hope at all. My four scream at me in twice a day. When they see me go to bed, and when they see me leave for school. They wake the whole household up at 5:30 am. They crowd so close around me when I take them out for a walk I feel like I have chick slippers! The kids at the local elementary school fell in love with two that I brought for them to see today. Peep and Skipper were every inch model chicks as they were held to be admired.

Though I know I would be chastised, I am very tempted to go down to the feed store to snatch the ones that weren't picked up on time! Their weeks grace has ended and the chicks will go up for sale to whomever buys them. Soooooo tempted......
cute chicks
I was lying in bed last night thinking (as I often do, it's the only time that the house is quiet enough for my brain to actually function normally) and I think I have this chick addiction thing figured out.

Chickens are from space.. they are aliens.. they are in disguise! That is why we have not been able to answer the age old riddles, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" or "Why did the chicken cross the road".. let me explain.

The human race is relatively young as things go.. and the aliens are very curious as to what we will become, how we will learn, and survive. But the problem with observing us, is that they cannot do it without notice, right? Surely at some point we will notice that we are under their galactic microscope, right? So what to do? Send their scientist to study us from the inside. But not disguised as humans.. no, they could not even pretend to be as dumb as humans, and would therefore surely be noticed. They disguised themselves as a new animal, many, many mellinia ago.. and the chicken was "born". Now, they watch us, they observe our behavior and our development.. all while being cared for, and even loved by the subjects they study.
That's why chickens are addictive.. they start off uber cute, so that humans cannot resist their infiltration into our homes.. and they stay useful, and entertaining so that we continue to allow them to watch and learn.

That's how it works.. now, if I disappear, it will be because they know that I know the truth, and that they must stop me from passing my wisdom on to other chicken addicts....
If you guys start up a chicks anonymous, I will be standing in line to join you.

I can have about 8-10 chicks in the space I have for them.
I have 13 right now and plan to go to the farm store on April 30 to see what they get in for extras. I was good and didn't order anymore from them, but I did ask if they had ordered any extras. Of course, they did. Sometime before the 30th, I plan on stopping by and talking to the girl who does the chick ordering and finding out what breed she ordered for extras. Yeah, I'll probably end up with at least half a dozen more. Ho hum.

I have a good home lined up for any that end up being roos and know that at least 3 or 4 of them are roos...or seem to be. That would leave me with the perfect amount to keep. Am I satisfied with that??? Nnnoooooooo! I just HAVE to get more. It's like my sensible mind has been taken over by an alien pod!! WillsMama, I think you're totally right about chickens being aliens! They make us do silly things and over-indulge in this chicken obsession!!


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