Oh noes! Is my wyandotte a boy? (Updated with pics)


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 13, 2010
San Diego
Hi everyone,

I'm super green with keeping backyard chickens. I purchased 2 blue laced red wyandotte chicks back in the beginning of June. The person who sold them to me had guessed they were both females but I'm starting to think one of them might be a male. They're both about 19 weeks old and up until this point, they both looked pretty much the same.

Besides crowing, when does it become apparent that a wyandotte is a rooster? Right now, they both have the same round, fluffy look. The tail feathers don't seem to be particularly showy either.

Thanks to anyone who might know!
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Posting a picture would help us identify the gender almost immediately at that age.

It will soon either crow or lay an egg.
Yeah, my mother claimed she heard a crow from the back of the house early this morning which is quite disappointing for me. I've become very fond of my two wyandottes and I feel awful knowing that I will have to give one away if it turns out to be male.

I'll have to get up early tomorrow and find out for myself then whether it's true. *sigh*
Oh, that would be a sad day...

I've already had to find a new home for one of the chicks I had that turned out to be a rooster. I would be down to 3 chickens!
Okay, so here are some pictures of the two blue laced red wyandottes that I have. I was thinking male for both because they seem to be growing in some fancier feathers on their backs. But I'll let the much more experienced folks make that call.

Aww, it certainly is a sad day for me. These guys are awesome and I will miss them greatly. Thanks for the feedback.

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