OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Wow Minihorse!! Busy busy there!! I know the squatting thing but the tail held off to the side I am seeing in two of my one yr. olds when they go into the run with Fester.It makes me think of dogs and was curious.
This is the story of a man and his goat on an epic journey across America to raise money for an orphanage in Africa. They started at the Space Needle in Seattle and are going to Times Square in NY. They last posted from St. Louis on Facebook and should be coming your way soon.
Well dang!! Y'all busy again. I put a two inch layer of stone dust in my run today, with help!! The rain from Sunday turned it into a hog wallow almost, poor lil bantys couldn't be identified. They were solid mud. So tarp over the pens in the run and gravel down. Next spouting and drain off corner to do. I would love a rain barrel but if the plumber gets back I will have a spigot within 10'. I also need to chink n stain my coop yet. How I am going to keep the chooks out of it I have no idea!!!
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I need to get some pictures but the standard cochins are getting so fluffy. They still have lots of chick down and bald spots but they are so cute right now! They were 7 weeks yesterday.

Hi from Grafton, Ohio here. I ordered 6 Silkies from Ideal poultry & I went to pick them up today. I was expecting a few packing peanuts..I got 8 Silkies and 11 "packing peanuts" for warmth. they look to me like Rhode Island Red but I have no clue. they're little red chicks. all roosters I'm guessing. I have no way to keep them. I'm willing to give them all away for free. if anyone in ohio wants any please PM me for let me know on this thread. I need them gone ASAP
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Hi from Grafton, Ohio here. I ordered 6 Silkies from Ideal poultry & I went to pick them up today. I was expecting a few packing peanuts..I got 8 Silkies and 11 "packing peanuts" for warmth. they look to me like Rhode Island Red but I have no clue. they're little red chicks. all roosters I'm guessing. I have no way to keep them. I'm willing to give them all away for free. if anyone in ohio wants any please PM me for let me know on this thread. I need them gone ASAP
Wow. While I suppose that's better than killing the males, I would be very put out to be sent and more unasked for chicks than asked for ones. Remind me never to order from Ideal. Good luck re-homing! Have you put up an add on the swap boards?

Hi from Grafton, Ohio here. I ordered 6 Silkies from Ideal poultry & I went to pick them up today. I was expecting a few packing peanuts..I got 8 Silkies and 11 "packing peanuts" for warmth. they look to me like Rhode Island Red but I have no clue. they're little red chicks. all roosters I'm guessing. I have no way to keep them. I'm willing to give them all away for free. if anyone in ohio wants any please PM me for let me know on this thread. I need them gone ASAP
you could post them on a local craigslist page but beware. Most likely someone taking them is raising them to eat. Some people also feed male chicks to snakes and such.

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