OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Hmm. Alrighty. I thought these guineas would be the same way since they were outnumbered, but I guess not. I'll just keep them separate until I get enough to release a large flock.

Dang it, @minihorse927, don't you tempt me with those d'uccles and calls. :lol: I'm running out of brooder space as it is, and I still have to bribe DH into those showgirls from 6 LittleHens "for my birthday". :p

6 little peeps hatched out of the Brinsea yesterday! Turns out 4 eggs that I thought were my EE NN's because of their bright aqua color are actually duck eggs! So they'll be going another week. These are all homegrown eggs. This has been a great week for me already (new car, birthday, little sis taking me up to Cedar Point this weekend..), but the icing on the cake was waking up to a Showgirl baby in the bator yesterday! I didn't even know my SG hen was laying! She's my absolute favorite of all of my 50/60+ chickens. Peep has light skin, so probably not pure, but meh. I was so happy I screamed and was bouncing off the walls and calling random family members who couldn't care less to brag LOL.
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So sorry you may have a roo instead of the hen wanted. I have a hen I was wondering about, cause she makes a weird almost crow noise. BUT she's laying eggs. Lol.. So I'm sure she's not a roo. I the crow a true, loud one?
Thank you! Yeah, I don't blame the hatchery... they've been wonderful through this and I know it's not an exact science! My 13 year old isn't as accepting... he's so dang attached to all six of them. This is rough on him. She/he's a sweetie and is absolutely gorgeous! I do have a home lined up but it's several hours away... I'm hoping to still find a home for the Buff that closer... so we can keep in touch. Probably sounds silly, huh?

I understand your attachment to the Orpington breed. Having 6 different breeds (soon to be 9), I'm getting to understand each breed's personality... will make future choices based on that knowledge. LOVIN' THE CHICKENS though! OMG... they're so full of personality.

I'm babbling... thanks for your response!

Welcome Sue! I don't think that keeping in touch sounds silly at all. We had to give away a young Buckeye who we were pretty sure was a roo but weren't certain, but he was challenging his sisters everyday and starting to come at them with his feet, so we decided to end the drama and take him to a swap at the Medina Tractor Supply. I had brought pics of them when they were little, had hatch info and my contact info ready. This guy walks in before I'm even back in the swap area asks what I have and says he'll take him. I was shocked and after asking a bit about where he would be kept- with his laying hens not the meat birds I handed him over still in shock. I cried on the way home because I didn't give my contact info, but the guy didn't seem like the type to want keep in touch. I was pretty sad for about two weeks worrying he would be picked on by the older hens. But now I just have to imagine that he will be the protector of a nice harem and that hopefully they taught him some manners without hurting him. Future re-homing though I'm going to be more picky and probably go though here, which was the plan, to wait until he crowed, but we were worried about the girls and the drama was stressful. So I totally get it, I would love to visit him or at least get an email with photos once a month. Oh well.
It's a fairly developing crow. The first time he/she did it was several weeks ago when they were still living inside... it was pitiful weird crow noise then (which totally freaked my dog out <grin>). It sounds more crow-like now. My younger son gets so attached to every critter we have... so he's not real happy we've got to relocate her. Oh well... that's life.

I'll post a video if I'm able to...

Thank you, autumnhearth! That makes me feel so much better. :)

He/she's still VERY sweet and is actually still the one that gets 'bullied' by the other girls (what little they do). I'm waiting for more 'rooster-like' behavior to kick in though.

Any suggestions on the best way to find a home on BYC? Is there a forum for that?
Can I share some pics of my little flock?

One of their favorite perches - an old bench thing by our shed:

Unichickie (my EE) suspiciously peeking around a tree at me, while the barred rock (Anna?) lounges next to the shed:

The whole flock (2 barred rock, 2 black australorp, 2 EE):

Their other favorite perch - a large board on blocks next to the shed:

The barred rock (Elsa? or Anna?) being queen of the roost:

Wyldstyle eating a clover:

Wyldstyle giving me her crazy eye:

It's a fairly developing crow. The first time he/she did it was several weeks ago when they were still living inside... it was pitiful weird crow noise then (which totally freaked my dog out ). It sounds more crow-like now. My younger son gets so attached to every critter we have... so he's not real happy we've got to relocate her. Oh well... that's life. I'll post a video if I'm able to...
take pictures of this questionable one from the side. I want to be able to see the tail and sickle feathers. How old is "it"
Roo, definite.

Hens do not grow shiny, pointy sickle and hackle feathers. That hatchery is nuts.
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