OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Hi. We just started raising chickens this year. We live north of Eaton just off of US40. We got our chicks from Tractor Supply in Eaton. We have a rooster (Black Breasted Red Leghorn) and five hens ( 1 Leghorn and 4 Red Sex Links ). We are looking to increase our flock by 4 to 6 birds and we have heard that Black Australorps are a good breed. Do you know where we might be able to purchase some juveniles ?
Thanks. That's 80 miles from us. We are hoping to find some place closer.
We are in Preble County.

There have historically been two swaps a year at the Preble County Fairgrounds, spring and fall. This past year they were Sunday mornings April 6, and Sept. 28. These are one of those swaps you want to get to early, start before sun up, and rapping up by early afternoon. Come strolling in late morning and things have been picked over pretty good by then.
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I was really please to see a small flock of Buckeyes at Wholesome Valley Farm in Wilmot, Ohio yesterday. I think it was their first or second year with them. They have a lot of sex-links that two of the Buckeye roosters were guarding as well as Cornish X and Rangers. We also got to see their pastured pigs, after having enjoyed their bacon and chops many times through Fresh Fork Market and their cattle. The market there is excellent, lots of organic and natural products, produce, meat and dairy. Highly recommend!
Any thoughts or ideas on this girl? I am thinking mites or lice? The rest of the flock seems fine though. The other chickens aren't going after her. Is it just molting or something that needs treated?


Looks like a back burn from a rooster to me. If you have a rooster, either confine the hen so she gets a break til her feathers grow back out, about three weeks, and/ or get her a hen saddle, they are very affordable, available on here, and cute, too.
If you don't have a rooster, if she were mine would put a few drops of cattle ivermec on her at the base of her neck, or treat her for mites / lice with something similar. And after that make sure the whole flock has access to dust bath and you can toss some sulfur or ashes or Insectrin powder in there too. (no need to use more than one)
And you could put BlueKote or NoPick on the bare spot. It is possible that the flock is picking on her, or that she's pulling her own feathers, which they sometimes do from stress or mites. In which case, the saddle should help with that too, and/ or the Bluekote or Nopick. If you need any more info, though, I'd suggest you repost on the injuries/illness forum, so more people see it. And if you do confine the hen, make sure she can still hear and see the flock, so she doesn't get stressed.

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