OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

I lost 6 of my 8 calls in our last cold snap around New Year's. I have a pair left running around. Someone is supposed to be getting them next week.
Well, good to know, in a way, that it wasn't just mine this year. Sorry you lost yours, though!

I don't have as many as did when you were here last. I had an owl grab all but 1 good breeding hen and 2 good drakes. So I'm starting my snowy over from scratch this year.
Dang owl! Hm, well, if you have any spare ducklings this year, I'd love to take them off your hands. :) If not, I'll just poke around for some at swap days hehe.
Shay, congratulations! Keep your chin up too. So sorry yo heat you hsve gone through so much. Miss talking to everyone.Shout outs to Minihorse and Big medicine too! I have to get back on here now that I am able again. i need to catch up with you all.My LF are helping keep my banty bunch warmer. No frost bite yet thankfully just some pecking from being cooped so much.
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Aw. :(  Well, good to know, in a way, that it wasn't just mine this year. Sorry you lost yours, though!

Yikes. :(  Dang owl! Hm, well, if you have any spare ducklings this year, I'd love to take them off your hands. :) If not, I'll just poke around for some at swap days hehe.
I'm sure I will have some older ducklings once they get to laying and i get to hatch them. I'm going to hatch every egg from them and try to rebuild! Buying a new sportsman's 1502 cabinet this year so I'm excited to have a good incubator!
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Oh shoot! I'm so sorry I'm just seeing this after a month! Yep, still alive, Mandy! Hehe. And still as poultry-addicted as ever!
Sad news, actually, last winter we lost a few chickens to the cold, but no ducks. So I got it in my head they were really cold-hardy. This winter so far, I've only lost a couple chickens, but the other night after it got so incredibly cold, although the coop stays much warmer inside than outside, I went out the next morning to a sickening mass loss. 1 young silkie and 8!!!! ducks! Only 3 made it!
They'd obviously froze in their sleep, which is incredibly sad. DH bought me a Sweeter Heater-type heater the second I ran inside screaming that they were all dead, but turns out it doesn't heat squat, so I caved and hung a heat lamp again, though I'd vowed not to after nearly setting the brooder on fire last year. Haven't lost any more yet, and it's been just as cold out. Fingers crossed.
...we are expecting our own little human chick!!!!!

..so now we've been a little pre-occupied with that. Especially as I have some health risks and it seems like we're at the doctor constantly, and I already feel like a living pin-cushion.
Sorry for your loss Shay! Congrats on the pregnancy! What a blessing! Hoping all goes well.

I just moved East of Columbus and I'm looking for chicks, but afraid I missed out on the best birds! Meyer's is all sold out of most breeds! Any suggestions? chicks or adults are fine...I'm on the classified here. I've never bought chicks from a tractor supply. Is that a good place to buy them? I'm interested in rainbow eggs (black copper marans, olive eggers, Crested Cream Legbars, Ameracaunas....) but I'm open! new to all this!
Welcome! Hmm well there are a few options up north if you are willing to make the drive. Meyer chicks are actually resold at a local (to us) nursery called Grace Brothers. They don't have the specific breeds you mentioned but do have EEs, Orpingtons, Wyandottes and even Buckeyes this year. And they are sexed female. Here is a link to their Chick Tuesdays flyer: http://gracebrosnursery.com/id69.html

Cedar Crest Farm has Ameraucana, Black Copper Marans and Olive Eggers. I think she had a nice starter flock special mentioned on FB. As the link says call or email Lisa for details. She is wonderful, I've bought local organic soy-free feed from her. http://www.cedarcrestfarmandfeed.com/available-breeds.html

As for Cream Legbars there is a breeder in Valley View that has them as well as French Black Copper Marans: http://www.sunnysideupmicrofarm.com/for_sale.html

Just remember that getting chicks from a breeder you will not be guaranteed all pullets but I know Sunny Side Up does occasionally sell juveniles. She advertises CCL in pairs and trios. All three of the above have FB pages as well which may give you more info on availability. Good luck in your search!
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I just moved East of Columbus and I'm looking for chicks, but afraid I missed out on the best birds!  Meyer's is all sold out of most breeds!  Any suggestions?  chicks or adults are fine...I'm on the classified here.  I've never bought chicks from a tractor supply.  Is that a good place to buy them?  I'm interested in rainbow eggs (black copper marans, olive eggers, Crested Cream Legbars, Ameracaunas....)  but I'm open!  new to all this! 
Lovenati, the champion feed store in Delaware Ohio is having there chicks days now. If you look at there website it shows what they have now. Off hand I can remember speckled Sussex , which I bought a few of, barred rock,araucanas, buff Orpington's, black australorps, dark brahmas and golden comets. That is there first order, I know that they will have a different mix on there next order. Hope this helps.
I just moved East of Columbus and I'm looking for chicks, but afraid I missed out on the best birds! Meyer's is all sold out of most breeds! Any suggestions? chicks or adults are fine...I'm on the classified here. I've never bought chicks from a tractor supply. Is that a good place to buy them? I'm interested in rainbow eggs (black copper marans, olive eggers, Crested Cream Legbars, Ameracaunas....) but I'm open! new to all this!
Congratulations on your move and welcome to Buckeye country and BYC! As RedNewcomer (sorry if I got your name wrong...going by memory..not a good thing:)) said, Champion just got their first batch of chicks in yesterday--all pullets. They will be getting a bigger variety later, I think including Welsumers (love their speckled, terra cotta colored eggs) and Buckeyes.
Check them out on Facebook for more info--great folks too. I think their "Araucanas" are really Easter Eggers--they just put the name down the hatchery calls them, but we've gotten some from them a few years ago and had really pretty blue eggs from them.

You might also check regularly with Meyer Hatchery--although they are sold out they still end up with extras each Monday and they have an "available now" spot on their website that is constantly changing so you might luck out and get the variety you want. The folks there have always been good to work with from my experience too. But definitely stay away if you don't want to be tempted!

I have an order coming from "Papa's Poultry" in CA sometime in the next month--all pullets, Olive Eggers, Rhodebars, Crested Cream Lebars, and Golden Cuckoo Marans. Cannot wait, althought his weather isn't the best so will have to wait a bit...plus I've never gotten chicks from that far away, but I've read some great reviews about him and so far have been impressed. He does have an "all pullet rainbow pack" on his Facebook site, and on his website. We'll see how this turns out but trying to avoid ordering more...or getting some from Champion in the meantime:) Really want Salmon Favorelles ad another Sultan...and no good reason...I have a problem.
Congratulations on your move and welcome to Buckeye country and BYC! As RedNewcomer (sorry if I got your name wrong...going by memory..not a good thing:)) said, Champion just got their first batch of chicks in yesterday--all pullets. They will be getting a bigger variety later, I think including Welsumers (love their speckled, terra cotta colored eggs) and Buckeyes.
Check them out on Facebook for more info--great folks too. I think their "Araucanas" are really Easter Eggers--they just put the name down the hatchery calls them, but we've gotten some from them a few years ago and had really pretty blue eggs from them.

You might also check regularly with Meyer Hatchery--although they are sold out they still end up with extras each Monday and they have an "available now" spot on their website that is constantly changing so you might luck out and get the variety you want. The folks there have always been good to work with from my experience too. But definitely stay away if you don't want to be tempted!

I have an order coming from "Papa's Poultry" in CA sometime in the next month--all pullets, Olive Eggers, Rhodebars, Crested Cream Lebars, and Golden Cuckoo Marans. Cannot wait, althought his weather isn't the best so will have to wait a bit...plus I've never gotten chicks from that far away, but I've read some great reviews about him and so far have been impressed. He does have an "all pullet rainbow pack" on his Facebook site, and on his website. We'll see how this turns out but trying to avoid ordering more...or getting some from Champion in the meantime:) Really want Salmon Favorelles ad another Sultan...and no good reason...I have a problem.
Oh man! I think I'm trying to put in an order with Papa's Poultry as well! thank you for all this information!!! I had no clue about Meyer's Mondays! and I'll check out the Champion Feed Store tomorrow!!!
Oh shoot! I'm so sorry I'm just seeing this after a month! Yep, still alive, Mandy! Hehe. And still as poultry-addicted as ever! Sad news, actually, last winter we lost a few chickens to the cold, but no ducks. So I got it in my head they were really cold-hardy. This winter so far, I've only lost a couple chickens, but the other night after it got so incredibly cold, although the coop stays much warmer inside than outside, I went out the next morning to a sickening mass loss. 1 young silkie and 8!!!! ducks! Only 3 made it! :hit They'd obviously froze in their sleep, which is incredibly sad. DH bought me a Sweeter Heater-type heater the second I ran inside screaming that they were all dead, but turns out it doesn't heat squat, so I caved and hung a heat lamp again, though I'd vowed not to after nearly setting the brooder on fire last year. Haven't lost any more yet, and it's been just as cold out. Fingers crossed. ANYWAYS. The main reason I've been gone so long! No good excuse, really, as I adore this thread and everyone in it. Looks like my last post was last August. That's when DH was away at military training. In September, we DROVE to and from San Antonio, Texas, for his graduation. And he got to come home a few days later. Most of them ship off for tech training immediately following, but there was issues with his citizenship (remember, he's British), so he had to come home and sort that out. Now they can't get him in until later this year. Fine by me! I love having him home. Then..in October, I was dealt some heartbreaking, life-altering information that has left me with deep depression and anxiety and panic disorders, and I didn't feel like doing anything but crawling in a hole and dying, so internet, and even my chickens, were on the back-burner. THEN, in December, things started looking up when we found out that, after 7 years of trying for #2... ...we are expecting our own little human chick!!!!! :weee :love :celebrate :jumpy ..so now we've been a little pre-occupied with that. Especially as I have some health risks and it seems like we're at the doctor constantly, and I already feel like a living pin-cushion. Anyways, sorry I've been gone so long, guys! I really have missed this place. And WELCOME to all the new members since August! :lol:
It's so good to hear from you shay! So sorry for all the losses and you are in my prayers for all of your problems. And congrats on the little one coming!

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