OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

I know it's kind of early yet but; is anyone planning on going to the first Ohio show this year? Six weeks away, west central Ohio show. I'm taking birds to show , probably nothing to sell, my hens still aren't laying well. Might bring a white polish rooster to sell, haven't decided yet though

Ooh. I might buy him lol.

I think Bill take my two rir. Maybe clean up a few others. Don't feel like quarantining so if I take things, I'll take trios of birds that are the only ones in a pen.

Likely end up brining a few birds to sell.
I'm looking for a hen or two to add to my little flock of 1. She's lonely and needs buddy's.I live in Columbus.
Finally another hen has started to lay! It could be either the EE or the rescue chicken a friend found in his alley. The beige egg is from our best layer, she never quit over the winter.
Not sure if you're open to ordering shipped chicks but I'd highly recommend checking out Papa's Poultry in CA....he has BCM, Cuckoo Marans and BBS chicks. I ordered from him last year (Gold Cuckoo Marans, OE, Rhodebars and Crested Cream Legbars) and was skeptical/concerned because of the distance but I'd read some good reviews so took a chance. He was great to work with, communication was very good--I ended up with 10 chicks, did not lose one. They've grown into beautiful, healthy birds and are laying quite well. I have another order coming and am tempted to add some more BC Marans but I held off since they're straight run and I already have another 8 pullet chicks coming. Maybe next time....36 and counting.....
My older birds have a cold or something. After I was told of the older hen that passed I spent time observing that coop on the roost. (Hard to get out to them myself with work and school 3x's the first part of the week.) Anyhow, 2 sounded a bit raspy breathing and 3 had watery poo. So I got out the Terra vet and started both coops on it just as egg production starts to pick up. So Wed. morning I sit with my coffee at 5:20a.m. waiting for Fester to crow, nothing. PANIC!Go out and see he and his entire flock are asleep while my Cochin Stumpy a coop away is crowing his head off. Yeah I woke Fester when I turned the light on. Well now it's Friday and Fester is back to being on time. The kids are perked up since it's been 3 days on the medicine. Lil stinkers didn't want to go in to roost last night so I could listen and watch. Only 1 has a rasp now and the poo is looking better but not right yet.

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