OK, so which quail has a tail? (PICS added)

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Exactly my point with the small portion compared to my Big Brown Coturnix in the same time period.
Heres something for you to think about.

I know, as you probably do that Texas is in an extreme drought. The cattle ranchers have cut the herds by what was it 30-35% already and that's normal for a year, not the first 6 months. They expect to cut them by 60-70% and many have started doing so already. To do that they are selling off their breeders. Means cheap beef this Year. Not so for years to come.

Why - because there's no grass, no grain, no water. Their wells are drying up and Texas isn't the only state having weather problems. Remember the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers Flooding the grass lands, add that in for the loss in grain. Your going to start feeling that in the wallet, pretty soon. Grain is cheap right now. One that I buy by the 50# bag each year for cooking has doubled in price with this years crop. I can buy it more expensive, but not cheaper.

Soooo. My $22 a bag (now) of Purina BGF needs to go a longgggg way. Yes, I still cut the protein down to 24-26% after 4 weeks and at present I am using Nutrena GBF to do that. I think its 22%.
32 wks compared to 7-8 wks for a 1lb quail, there's no decision to make, really.

Taste difference, well I'll decide if its really worth it. Or, even if it's that different according to my taste - my birds bred, born and raised here.
And I still serve quail 2X a week. That's a lot of birds for hubby to smoke in his smoker/griller. Great tasting by the way.

Once this heat is over for the year my flock is expanding. Because there will be no beef in this house. Actually, there's not much now.

So that is why, I won't waste my money growing out a Bob for half a year or more. Hey, I won't even think about it for a quarter of a year. I doubt many peole will next year. Think on it.

OK, I'll get off my soap box and go back to my corner. I have unsubscribed to this thread. If the kids bring me another what is it next year. I'll ltake pictures and let you guess. Its always something. LOL
Exactly my point with the small portion compared to my Big Brown Coturnix in the same time period.
Heres something for you to think about.

I know, as you probably do that Texas is in an extreme drought. The cattle ranchers have cut the herds by what was it 30-35% already and that's normal for a year, not the first 6 months. They expect to cut them by 60-70% and many have started doing so already. To do that they are selling off their breeders. Means cheap beef this Year. Not so for years to come.

Why - because there's no grass, no grain, no water. Their wells are drying up and Texas isn't the only state having weather problems. Remember the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers Flooding the grass lands, add that in for the loss in grain. Your going to start feeling that in the wallet, pretty soon. Grain is cheap right now. One that I buy by the 50# bag each year for cooking has doubled in price with this years crop. I can buy it more expensive, but not cheaper.

Soooo. My $22 a bag (now) of Purina BGF needs to go a longgggg way. Yes, I still cut the protein down to 24-26% after 4 weeks and at present I am using Nutrena GBF to do that. I think its 22%.
32 wks compared to 7-8 wks for a 1lb quail, there's no decision to make, really.

Taste difference, well I'll decide if its really worth it. Or, even if it's that different according to my taste - my birds bred, born and raised here.
And I still serve quail 2X a week. That's a lot of birds for hubby to smoke in his smoker/griller. Great tasting by the way.

Once this heat is over for the year my flock is expanding. Because there will be no beef in this house. Actually, there's not much now.

So that is why, I won't waste my money growing out a Bob for half a year or more. Hey, I won't even think about it for a quarter of a year. I doubt many peole will next year. Think on it.

OK, I'll get off my soap box and go back to my corner. I have unsubscribed to this thread. If the kids bring me another what is it next year. I'll ltake pictures and let you guess. Its always something. LOL

I appreciate the knowledge and "thinkabouts". dry here too in Florida, surrounded by water?? thanks.
lol well, I didnt read all of the thread but WOW, what I did was interesting.... looks like one of my bobs, and definately isnt a coturnix... so i would say quail.
I'm 129.356% sure the bird in question is a bob.
I am 256.765% sure that bird isn't a coturnix quail, turkey, or chicken of any kind.

PLEASE STOP SAYING COTURNIX REACH 16OZ. IN 7-8 WEEKS, BECAUSE THEY DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yes, I'm shouting, so sue me!) Sorry, this gets my goat, even more than the 12-14oz. claims at 7-8 weeks.......It don't happen.

They grow fast compared to bobs, but neither converts GBS to body weight any more effectively! As far as taste goes, coturnix taste surprisingly like....coturnix, and bobs taste like bobs. Go figure
Let's see what's needed to happen before people start believing in climate change due to human misbehavior.
We know your birds don't get to 14-16 oz in 7 -8 weeks. You have told us repeatedly. ut you had the chance to get this strain and passed it by.
Go figure.
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