***OKIES in the BYC III ***

finally heard from mitzi earlier. everything is fine, she just didnt get online for a couple of days and now she cant get caught up.

womens dont read all that well do they.
ya'll need it on cd huh!
jcat, sorry, I forgot about sapsuckers, and we have them. They eat the sap and the insects it attracts, along with several other things. The only reason I know for sure we have them is the characteristic pattern of the holes they drill. They've been drilling holes in my young (now not-so-young) Live Oak for around 15 years, but it doesn't seem to bother the tree. They look a lot like the Downey woodpeckers.
Hi everyone! Enjoying this much needed rain?? I am new here and was wondering if there are any fellow Okies on here that would know where I could possibly get some black or blue AMS?
We just had our little hail shower...rain has been slow moving in today. Really need a toad soaker. Temps are dropping so turned on another lampo in the hen house for the chicks.
Hey everyone!

Just me and the kids today and for the next 365 days...

Its over cast here in our neck of the woods... yall chick pics are driving me batty ... and all this talk about POOPS... sniff sniff..
Thoughts and prayers for the family while separated.

My hatching eggs that the mailman has more than likely already dropped off are possibly sitting on my front porch in this aweful weather, think they will be ok for a while?
If they are wrapped in bubble wrap, should stay dry and better insulated....


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