***OKIES in the BYC III ***

No I figure it fell off the suburban (probably the wind) and then when I left for work the next morning at 5 I ran over it We don't drive the suburban much so they could have been on top of it for days. We have a circle drive and it is always parked in a little cut out out of the drive so we can get around it. Trust me when they deliver those drag slicks I plan on saying something if I am here and they won't be able to just leave those tires sitting someplace they won't be seen, kind of big for that, lol. Same with the waterers we have 5 of those coming so pretty noticable.

oh no! were you able to save the remote or was it destroyed?

So sorry for the loss in your family.

When I order from Amazon, they have a selection of mailing options to choose from.

The only options I get is how fast I want it. I even asked the lady doing the replacement order to NOT send it UPS and she said that was not predecided, but she would leave a note for the carrier to leave it at the house.

Storms kept me up last night. I think we had hail here, but I didn't get up to check.
Lots of rain last night. We still have a light drizzle today.

Looks like it's going to be 92 degrees perfect tomorrow for N.E.O.C.S.

Bring lawn chairs. For those wanting to put cages up off the floor, card tables work well. Spaces measure 6' wide by 8' long, so keep that in mind when selecting tables. Also, shelf boards laid across the tops of three sides of the cattle panel sides work to make a "U" shaped shelving area. If that's too high for you, then wire in four corners will make supports for shelf boards placed inside the space. Wired support corners that are six to twelve inches below the top of the panels ought to put the cages up high enough while providing a cattle panel side on the outside to protect cages.
Ocean, the remote luckly still worked (I drive a little rollerskate car, suzuki sx 4) but then 2 weeks later we switched to another service,lol.

Jim, my husband jokes all the time when people hear we homeschool and he is the one in charge 4 days a week. That all the kids need is a 5' rope tied to a tree and a 5 gallon bucket of water.

MacGyver, all the chicks are out except for one little bantam, it is pipped and still chirping but not making any progress. I hope it makes it, I am always sad when they pip and then do nothing. I upped the humidity and will check on the little guy after I feed the big birds outside and get a shower. LOL on the hoop house tarp. I woke at 4 AM and was running through my mind to make sure all the birds had proper cover. Looked out my window to check the outside brooders and could see the chicks running around playing in their little brooders dry as could be. Not sure what my big guineas did they refused to come in last night so they were in the trees during that down pour.

Well off to feed birds and check the garden, glad I didn't water it yesterday now.
looks like 6 ee chicks, an ee cockerel, some hatching eggs.... will serarate chicks tonite, gosh i feel guilty taking them from the mamas... but they'll get over it right???

coral, how is lucky adapting to life over there??? the drake is so soft spoken... and the girls are happy ducks!
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So 3 out of 6 chicks I put into the coop the other day did not make it into the coop last night. They are some very wet and very cold chickies. I have them Under a light and a heater to get them warmed up. One of them is my daughters Frizzle that mamapoppybee got her. She loves that little chicky so fingers crossed he pulls through!
So 3 out of 6 chicks I put into the coop the other day did not make it into the coop last night. They are some very wet and very cold chickies. I have them Under a light and a heater to get them warmed up. One of them is my daughters Frizzle that mamapoppybee got her. She loves that little chicky so fingers crossed he pulls through!

hope he does! i always do a beak count when locking them up, particularly when integrating different ages...
Kass, could you send me your custard recipe? I have looked but cannot find it on here. I thought you had posted before, if you did it is playing hide and seek!! The custard sounds great and I would love to try it.
Sure it is very easy, I make approx 14 custard cups full at a time but you can adjust it down if you need to. The basics are 1c milk per 1 whole egg, sweetener to taste (I use approx 1/4 to 1/3 c buttered pecan pancake syrup).

I cook the milk in a large nonstick pan, put all the milk in and simmer on medium heat to evaporate some of the water out of the milk, when the milk level decreases by about 1/4 to 1/2 inch or so it is ready (this step in ness, don't skip it for firmer custard that doesn't form that water type stuff). Put eggs in blender and sweetener of choice also any flavoring you want to use, slowly at first pour hot milk into the blender while blending mixture, when mixed pour into custard cups place custard cups in water bath for baking, bake at 350 for 40 min, cool, top w/ whipped cream and find a great hiding place in your fridge.

flavorings I have tried are
strawberries, don't waste your strawberries not good
bananas, really good alone or w/ chocolate
chocolate very good but remember to add more sugar
vanilla, very good
instant coffee, awesome

If you "eat" visually just be aware the egg yolks are going to change the color of whatever you add to the custard, works to your advantage w/ some flavors, but against you for others like the strawberries not only didn't taste very good it looked hideous in color.
Ocean, the remote luckly still worked (I drive a little rollerskate car, suzuki sx 4) but then 2 weeks later we switched to another service,lol.

Jim, my husband jokes all the time when people hear we homeschool and he is the one in charge 4 days a week. That all the kids need is a 5' rope tied to a tree and a 5 gallon bucket of water.

MacGyver, all the chicks are out except for one little bantam, it is pipped and still chirping but not making any progress. I hope it makes it, I am always sad when they pip and then do nothing. I upped the humidity and will check on the little guy after I feed the big birds outside and get a shower. LOL on the hoop house tarp. I woke at 4 AM and was running through my mind to make sure all the birds had proper cover. Looked out my window to check the outside brooders and could see the chicks running around playing in their little brooders dry as could be. Not sure what my big guineas did they refused to come in last night so they were in the trees during that down pour.

Well off to feed birds and check the garden, glad I didn't water it yesterday now.

Oh, I hope it makes it too. That is really sad when it happens. Big guineas are kinda crazy. I remember the winter we had them before they got freaked out by the snow. They came running out of the henhouse when I opened it, hit the snow, and immediately took off flying for the trees. They refused to come down all day long, and wouldn't come down even for treats to go in the coop. I had to physically catch them with a net to put them up at night. Well, one nutjob guinea hen kept flying higher and higher and would not come down for nothing, so eventually I gave up. Next morning my husband came out super early to go to work, and about thirty feet up he kept hearing this pathetic "buck. . . wheat" "buck. . . wheat". Poor thing was actually frozen to the tree, I think because she had to struggle to get off the branch. I caught her when it got light, and she had ice chunks still under her wings and her little feet were raw. Well, I brought her in and dunked her in warm water, and then dried her in a hot towel from the dryer and put her in a small cage and used a blow dryer to help dry her out. After she was totally dry I put her back in the coop with the others. Tough little thing, she never got sick or anything, and for the rest of the time we had guineas she was the *FIRST* one in at night!
When you say "strut" what do you mean? "He" has become attached to a new chicken that does not fit in with my other birds. At times "he" will sit down in front of her an she will pick threw his feathers, an "HE" puffs up with "His" tail feathers out "struting" around her. . . . . Does that make "him" a him???
No it really doesn't.
I have a Royal Palm that strutts like a tom all the time, but lays eggs and sets.
These 5 little Bantam Ameraucana are the most responsive chicks since my Cochins a year ago. The 1st born was a white one, when she hears my voice she comes trucking as fast as she can out from under the little Brinsea brooder heater and runs as fast as her little legs can go straight to me. The Cochins & these little Ams are the only ones I hatched myself. I'm betting they heard my voice in their egg since their little ears formed and that's why both those groups of chicks were born so responsive. Just a theory.
How can 1 teeny tiny chick be so flippin' adorable? How did I live without chickens the 1st 51 yrs of my life???


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