***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Sprint, AT&T and T-Mobile all have micro towers that you can install that will help with call signal. They use your high-speed internet and then broadcast a cell signal to your phone. We wouldn't get calls in our house without one.
Sadly no high speed internet out here. You would think I live in the boonies when we really don't. But nothing gets high speed out here.
They only have pioneer here. Its kinda expensive because the have no competition seems to work good though. Nice fish pics. These are some chicken pics my wife painted

All these stories of predation. I lost 2 flocks last year, now I just keep live traps going all the time. Even when they were not getting the chickens, they were damaging the the coops real bad by digging at the wood or trying to burrow under runs. Dogs, possums, raccoons, cats all got caught. Atwoods got more chicks in there store I saw yesterday.
Hello. I'm from northeast Oklahoma and am a first time yardbird owner. I just purchased a Dominique pullet, Nugget, and a duckling that hasn't been named yet.
from Henryetta and
and the Okie thread. Well then she needs a friend or two.
Welcome care bear!!

No city those are some pretty babies!!!!
Also love the watercolors! The girls have been doing water color birds this wk, we have an art DVD series called Creating a Masterpiece. The DVDs have taught them alot in a short time. Thankful I splurged!

The antenna we purchased doesn't use Internet--- it is like a TV antenna. It mounts outside has a cable that hooks to it & then a booster on the inside of the house that hooks up to the cable wire & plugs into an outlet. Made by Wilson electronics. He is installing it today. They use the same antena when they are doing military training in the middle of no where & DH says he goes from - bar "E" to full bars 4g. I know our outdoor TV antenea & signal booster let us get over a dozen channels that come in crystal clear, so I am hopeful this will improve our cell phone reception.

My poor younger chickens have been so cold, even during the day I have caught them huddled up. DD gave them bunches of hay to snuggle in yesterday. 50 degree difference in a wk is hard!
They only have pioneer here. Its kinda expensive because the have no competition seems to work good though. Nice fish pics. These are some chicken pics my wife painted

All these stories of predation. I lost 2 flocks last year, now I just keep live traps going all the time. Even when they were not getting the chickens, they were damaging the the coops real bad by digging at the wood or trying to burrow under runs. Dogs, possums, raccoons, cats all got caught. Atwoods got more chicks in there store I saw yesterday.
Those are really nice paintings. I'm thinking about going ahead and setting the trap we have. Just have to remember to put it up every morning before I let my dogs out.
NoCityBoy-adorable babies :) You're just moving right along hatching chicks!
Here's the 10 little babies that this little Cochin fought so hard to have. Poor little thing, wanted babies so bad she had to hide under a building so we didn't take her eggs, I feel terrible.
She hasn't molted this year so she looks sun burnt and ragged compared to how she looked 4 months ago. Plus I suppose living under a shed like a refuge doesn't do much for your grooming. She sure loves her babies though.
If I keep them together will she always be alright with them? Or does it depend on the bird?


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