***OKIES in the BYC III ***

It is hot outside...and even hotter inside. The bees flutter their wings to cool the inside...like thousands of little tiny fans.

Also, if a swarm is in the works...they will drape like that.

edited to add:
You may need to provide an extra box with frames and or look at making sure there is enough shade. If you don't have shade and think you will move the hive, PM me for instructions.


NanaKat is spot on. They are hot. And if they are draping that much they may be running out of room and need another box- you need to crack open the lid and check (suited up of course).

Check out my rocket feeders I made, lol. I made 2 of them, they hold almost 4gal of food.
What are they made from? I have some pvc pipe I was thinking about making something similar to keep from wasting feed, Funny thing though, When I changed the size properties of the photos there is latin text tagged on them LOL I did the google translate it didn't make much sense really LOL
What are they made from? I have some pvc pipe I was thinking about making something similar to keep from wasting feed, Funny thing though, When I changed the size properties of the photos there is latin text tagged on them LOL I did the google translate it didn't make much sense really LOL

That's crazy. Its made from heavy pvc pipe. And some scrap plastic sheet material I cut up.
NanaKat is spot on.  They are hot.  And if they are draping that much they may be running out of room and need another box- you need to crack open the lid and check (suited up of course).

They are in the corner of my barn with big open doors on both sides of them. So shade isn't an issue. I think they might just be getting crowded. I will open it up this evening and check it out. I have another new supper ready to add to it.
I've been feeding wet flock raiser crumbles to my chickens (5) and muscovies (6) (<3!!!!) and have been using a very large planter saucer and 2 TV dinner meal trays (they look like such a reusable product that I couldn't throw them out). I spread the 3 feeding stations across the yard. I found there is less billing and scratching when I wet the crumbles and everyone seems to like it this way. Problem is the chickens bully the ducks from the feed and my older ducks will kinda bully the younger ducks from the feed. And they all rotate around the 3 stations.
I'm thinking a long trough style feeder might diffuse feeding station conflict. I could take a PVC pipe and cut the top off....and I want to make it slightly elevated and easily movable with roller skate or skate board trucks/wheels.
Any thoughts?
I'm so glad they are going to be well cared for with you. You never know what's REALLY going to happen usually when you sell a big batch of boys... :(
Remember I was confused by a pullet I found in that pen? Well in the dark the night before I snagged an EE boy instead of her so he was in a cage with a few pullets set to be shipped to Virginia today. Luckily I figured it out in time- but he missed the boat with you LOL!


All 13 big boys went to capon camp today. I'm happy to report that I've got 12 full capons and 1 slip. The slip is a cockerel with a partial removal. One of this parts came out fine, but the other broke in half and I was only able to get the top half out before the bottom half disappeared into the bowels. I've marked him differently, so I'll know that he's not likely to put on as much weight as the others. The little babies are having a blast in the big brooder in the barn. No light necessary, as it's plenty warm.
Thought our okie teachers would like this

I need this!!!!! I just started back in the classroom - Elementary this time - Artfor 600 kids PreK -6th.

I have been busy with school so I haven't been on much, lots to catch up. Also we lost our little girl cat this week. She was only 9 and we sure miss her - personality plus - fierce hunting skills and a purr as loud as a chain saw.

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