***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Just finished watching one of the best episodes ever of Doctor Who, certainly the saddest!!!! I have to watch the reruns to get my "fix" until Brittish TV starts their 4 episode "season".
Thanks nana, she is a beautiful girl, i had a wynadotte, lost her this summer, they are such sweet birds- i did hear someone warn folks with crossbeaks about the possibility of frostbite on their tongues- not sure if there is an issue, any idea? Cressy is a house bird, but i have a silky roo with a minor cross like your girl-

exactly Kass! sheesh- that scenario in the series still is creepy

and mitzi- how's this for a shot of a favorolle- the only girl that survived that first hatch

Robin, she's adorable! You only had a single one out of that hatch make it? I'm so sorry. Mine have been in the same pen & coop since before I lost all those birds a year ago & every one of them has always been healthy. I'm convinced if I move them they'll all get sick. There were 4 girls and 2 boys, I gave the Salmon boy away when they were still babies. I'm honestly not that attached to the male because he attacks my feet every day when I go in there. But the girls are sweethearts and he's sure good to them.
I'm west of you and Nana both but if there's anything I can do to help get that pullet to you, I will.
Michael, good to see you!
Robin, she's adorable! You only had a single one out of that hatch make it? I'm so sorry. Mine have been in the same pen & coop since before I lost all those birds a year ago & every one of them has always been healthy. I'm convinced if I move them they'll all get sick. There were 4 girls and 2 boys, I gave the Salmon boy away when they were still babies. I'm honestly not that attached to the male because he attacks my feet every day when I go in there. But the girls are sweethearts and he's sure good to them.
I'm west of you and Nana both but if there's anything I can do to help get that pullet to you, I will.
Michael, good to see you!
mitzi, take that boy, give him the bubble bath treatment, after that spend some time holding him, and he should settle down

as far as the girl from nana, no rush, we'll figure it out- basically i am not expanding on birds, but then a special one like her comes along, and i give in...LOL!
Robin, If nothing else, we could arrange to meet somewhere between Meeker and Muskogee...like Okemah or somewhere convenient.
Might make a nice foliage drive.

Sure like seeing photos of all the birds.

Yesterday I kept the flocks in their pens with no free-ranging because of the drizzle and rain.
They literally flew out on their tippy toes thru the gates this morning when I let them out. It was so fun to see them so happy.

Soon as the garden dries out this week, we will dig the sweet potatoes and the Jerusalem artichokes. Then the chickens can go to the garden to start foraging. The tomatoes and peppers are up high enough that they shouldn't be bothered...much.

Soon it will be time to start bringing the herds home to wean off the calves. We have several heifers we will keep for replacements for our herd.
Futures are going to be high enough for us to hold back some steers and additional heifers to grow out for feeders and replacements for sale in the spring. $179 per 100 weight is $10 higher than last year and it was high then...for a 700 pound calf that is $70 a head higher. Some of our winter over calves last year were close to 1000 pounds. Unbred heifers for replacement will be at a premium next spring because so many ranchers sold down or off for the drought and will begin looking to rebuild their herds. it will be worth the gamble.

Rains here for Sunday and Monday night totaled 1.25 inches. Much needed slow soaking rain for the pastures and for the ponds. Hope we get a little more.
The big run drain is blocked so I'll go out and clear it so that run will dry out some and then it's a trip to town for groceries and chicken feed. Then I need to can up some more tomatillo salsa and can some more pears. Busy day ahead.

Hope everyone has a great day!
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