***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Well remember, splash Ameraucanas are not accepted by the APA yet so they can't be shown. Same with all colors of Isbars and with Cream Legbars. The Cream Legbar Club is working on it but it will be 5+ years before the qualifying show. But my blue and black Ameraucanas are SQ, and I'm producing some good BCMs and some bad, I'm hoping with the new stock I bought this last summer I will have more good than bad hatching out next spring. If you'll do local pickup rather than shipping prices will be lower than my website just FYI. Also you can get as few/many as you want if your local pickup, min order of 10 if I have to ship. We'll hook up in the spring!

I'll share pictures in a few weeks, the babies from Fisher's Farm just arrived this week so not much to see. I do have a 4 month old trio coming in the next week or two, exhibition quality from Cornerstone Farms in Virginia.

Oh Nana that is heartbreaking. Prayers for your family. That is such a tough thing to go through.
I had my daughter look at the Ameraucanas and she wants another breed, but just incase I think I would get a blue instead. I went ahead and told my husband not to buy a roo from the neighbor kid because I want one of each male and female of the Cream Legbars. The roosters are so beautiful! I think we may just go the route of buying a few eggs of each breed here and there but start with the CL. Maybe half a dozen for this newbie and keep my fingers crossed to have a male and female. I was wondering. What do most people do with what they don't have room for? Just saying that if all were to hatch I would hate to put the rest in the freezer since they are all such a beautiful breeds. And yes we will have to hook up in the spring!
KSane those are some sexeh birds! You can tell when they're loved.

My girl isn't looking loved right now, but she's hanging in there. She drinks he protein shake, but she hasn't started on solid food yet. I don't know what kind of unseen beak damage she may have, so eating might be painful for her.
Does anyone know what time the poultry show in Newcastle starts on Saturday? I am trying to swing by for that before going to the Orr family farm in the afternoon. I am also looking for a bee mentor if anyone is willing. There is only so much you can learn from books and I would really like to see a working hive and get some advice.

I got an email on this today and they said that 8-9 should be the start.
NanaKat, do you happen to know Kelvin Blackwell or Shelley Meeker? Maybe a Jayneen Wilson? Just thinking of some of those I know in your area that I am familiar with. We use to live in Pryor but moved 30 min away so my hubs could be closer to work. Just thought I would ask since I saw you listed you are from Meeker :)

We moved here in 1996 and commuted to jobs in OKC. We do not have connections to the school district and attend church in Shawnee instead of Meeker. Getting to know people here is difficult unless you have history in the community or are related to someone here. We have some lovely neighbors and one that is off the wall. Don't know any of the folks you mentioned.
Hugs to all who have lost family-

on nursing birds, i have been nursing dora, my glc since june, she was with Captain, lost him, but she has fought to live, well a few days ago i kept looking at her, she was terribly thin and droopy, so on a hunch i gave her baycox, and darned if she hasn't perked up is eating like there is no tomorow and beginning to walk normally, she had been paralyzed in june, on top of droopy - all the birds i lost this summer except one had the same 'fading away' symptoms, is it possible this was all cocci related?
I had my daughter look at the Ameraucanas and she wants another breed, but just incase I think I would get a blue instead. I went ahead and told my husband not to buy a roo from the neighbor kid because I want one of each male and female of the Cream Legbars. The roosters are so beautiful! I think we may just go the route of buying a few eggs of each breed here and there but start with the CL. Maybe half a dozen for this newbie and keep my fingers crossed to have a male and female. I was wondering. What do most people do with what they don't have room for? Just saying that if all were to hatch I would hate to put the rest in the freezer since they are all such a beautiful breeds. And yes we will have to hook up in the spring!
Most of my extra boys go to a few people I know who have room to raise them out to eat. @Poco Pollo has taken a few batches- she caponizes them young and raises them to sell at the flea market for eating. She's taken her last batch though as she is preparing for some traveling next summer. Another friend lives out in Sand Springs and bought most of my spring/summer roosters for him and his neighbors/co-workers to raise and eat. I usually try to keep at least one young spare boy for "just in case" and sometimes an extra one or two to raise out and sell in pairs. I have had really high male-female ratios with the Cream Legbars this year (as high as 10:1!!!) so once or twice I put all the boys in the batch down as day-olds. It's sad but there is only so much room for boys. You can usually sell a few on Craigslist if you raise them up to at least 4-5 months old, but you rarely recover your feed cost for what people are willing to pay. Extra pullets are easy to sell on Craigslist.

Nannakat guess I'm out of raising welsummers a loose dog killed my rooster and six hens

Hate to hear that! So sorry!!
Didn't get in my show pens , but could have , I left the door open while i went out to the farm. When I got back a woman was in the yard trying to catch her dog I was trying to keep from getting in with big dogs, my bad , didn't know about my birds until after she left. I've heard some times after a dog kills chickens they get lead poison .
Didn't get in my show pens , but could have , I left the door open while i went out to the farm. When I got back a woman was in the yard trying to catch her dog I was trying to keep from getting in with big dogs, my bad , didn't know about my birds until after she left. I've heard some times after a dog kills chickens they get lead poison .
I've seen that very thing happen around here several times, Sorry to hear that happened Don

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