***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Is anyone else bringing silkies to the show in Newcastle tomorrow? If any of you breeders are there - I'd love to be talked to about the difference between a 'blue' silkie and a 'grey' silkie. I've just looked at the standards of perfection (I think) and they talk about 'lacing' and
'luster' on silkie feathers!!! How is this even possible? Anyway...hope you all have a safe drive in!
yeah, that how i am about captain, my cochin roo, he never ruffled the lady of his intentions, and when free ranging woul be on guard and even chase the guinea that got too close- i have a few of his chicks, but he was a wonderful boy, someday i may get another like him- maybe if mj has one i might consider it...

Yes, I remember you talking about Captain a a lot. I get attached to your birds just through stories about them, that's what a sap i am :-/ I had some black Cochin bantam chicks from MJ, way cool cuz I'd always wanted some of her Cochin bantams. They must've gotten something from the auction because only 1 made it. But he was beautiful. Only about 3 months old when a freaking SNAKE killed him. I'd always brought babies back inside at night from their daytime outdoor pen back then. I was late bringing them in and it'd been dark about 30 minutes, the snake was probably just laying there waiting for dark.
MJ, you have some wonderful Cochins :)[/QUOTE]
Captain didn't come from me, though I would have loved to claim him. My head MilleFleur/Mottled roo, Ike, is a real sweetheart. One MilleFleur hen follows him everywhere. I had named her Charlotte but since she adores his so I changed her name to Mammie. Don't know if I will name next years roos after presidents or artists.
I have two MilleFleur boys that were born on St. Partick's day and I named them O'Malley and O'Brien. There sister is Fiona and she looks really good for breeding. The boys are mostly black and white and don't have as good type and Ike so I won't breed them you can have one or both if you like, Robin. I think it would be hard to compete with Captain though, he was gallant.
I think there might have been a wolf rescue up there. I don't remember hearing much about it but I had gotten pictures from somewhere of wolves that had a stamp on the back that had info for wolves in Cuyamaca (sp?) area I think. Too bad that place was mowed down by the fires. As for Julian it was fine and I remember during those fires one firefighter died. Sad.
As for driving and getting lost. I don't drive in SD. Or I would end up so lost I would either be in Canada or Mexico. I let my hubby drive because he knows the exits better than I do. It's crazy! There are mountains, ocean, desert and city all in just one county! I do miss Julian as it was before I left. I have gone back and its just not the same.
Also getting car sick from the roads.
Yah. I remember that all too well. Whenever we had to go "down the hill" to civilization it made me nauseous. I guess you kind of get use to it and it isn't every time. That's one good thing about OK roads unless you go to Jay. All straight away and I NEVER had any problems with my kids getting car sick. I say that now I think I may jinks myself as we are going to Eureka Springs tomorrow.
So great to know that there are people that have been to Julian! Usually I say I'm from there and people give me a big questionable expression. So I usually just say San Diego county. That helps sum it up so I don't have to give directions from certain areas that I have NO idea how to get from and to. My dad was a Hwy Patrol up there so he knew ALL roads everywhere from SD to Mexico and beyond. Wish he taught me!
All 3 of my own eggs in the 10-egg Brinsea hatched! I love these Brinsea incubators. The 2 that hatched last night are 1/2 Silkie and 1/2 (tailed) Araucana (1 is double-tufted, black). What's so cool is one of the chicks is a back fuzzball with double-tufts plus a beard lol! OMG it's going to be the most adorable thing. I guess he got his beard from his Silkie dad.
How much do the 10-egg Brinsea incubators run, if you don't mind me asking. I am wanting to buy an incubator for myself but everything I read makes me scared to even try to hatch anything in one type or the other. I am SO overly compulsive about doing it just right that I am afraid I will over correct myself and ruin all the eggs I get. My husband of course thinks you buy an incubator, stick in the eggs and turn it on and TAH DAH! Chickies! After all I have read it sounds like there is a fine science to it. Do you think this particular one would be good for a beginner?
Quote: which ever incubator you get, the best thing to do is follow the manufacturers instructions on operation, the brinseas are a lot easier to clean/disinfect considering they are all plastic, but a styro can be cleaned/disinfected as well to prevent any bacterial growth, that will be your main "worry" that will kill chicks. Don't stress, you learn as you go.
Quote: you can never go wrong with the brinseea, i have the mini, just add the eggs, water and rela- thats my kind of bator- watch for their sales- i think i got mine for about $60

those road in and out of the SD mountains can get a bit dicey, particularly if some bozo drives too fast coming around those hairpin turns....such a pretty drive though
I know that LF Cochins mature very slowly and don't often have a big comb but I have had my blue pullet since POOPPS and just today I saw that Lola is a boy! "She" is 6" taller that my very large Buff hen, Peaches, and Lola's wattle is getting big but I have never heard her make any sound even remotely like crowing. This morning Lola tried to top Peaches and suddenly it struck me like lightning - Roo! Then I saw the tail feathers.... Duh. That is why "she" has acted like a watchdog when the flock is freeranging. She will be a beautiful and huge roo but now I need a new name for him.
Okay, strange question, and I hope I don't gross anybody out too much. I think Puff could use some serious de-necrotizing, and the more I think about it, the more I think a few maggots would do her a world of good. Caramel got them when she was wounded and it was the hardest thing in the world for me to leave them alone and let them work, but that was in the summer. Have any of you ever used them? If so, any tips would be appreciated.
Okay, strange question, and I hope I don't gross anybody out too much. I think Puff could use some serious de-necrotizing, and the more I think about it, the more I think a few maggots would do her a world of good. Caramel got them when she was wounded and it was the hardest thing in the world for me to leave them alone and let them work, but that was in the summer. Have any of you ever used them? If so, any tips would be appreciated.
that is a decision left totally up to you....if it were me, I would saline wash her everyday and apply antibiotic ointment, keep her warm, I don't think I could stomach the other.

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