***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Finally! Somebody who knows what chow chow is! I have a big mess of green tomatoes I pulled from my small garden, and I don't eat fried foods much, anymore (which is a shame, this time of year). You guys have any suggestions what to do with them? I've almost decided on balsamic pickled tomato chunks, but I've never canned green tomatoes, so I'm open to new ideas.
My gma would make pickled green tomato in slices, she always called it pickle lilly, it was a must w/ baked beans. (I don't like either pickle lilly or baked beans)
Just leaving the Newcastle Show-some awesome birds. There was a Spangled Cornish boy i'd have loved to have for my 2 Spangled Cornish girls but didn't know how to find out who had him and if they had more.
Nana, I'm anxious to see what your Delaware hatch is like. I'm sorry about the passing of Bob Blosl, I didn't know him but it sound like he accomplished a great deal.
My husband seems to have fallen in love with the show quality Barred rocks. Do any of you have any nice quality ones? The hatchery ones always seem to look like Cuckoo Marans to me.
I did get the TAMEST pair of Polish-wow. Only 4 & 5 months old, they're every bit as tame and laid back as my Serama, Channing. I love them :)) They were handled from hatch by the cutest little girl, I can't believe how passive they are. I didn't even know I wanted Polish until i saw how tame & pretty these were.
They are pretty congrats i just love my polish
they are awesome!!!
I haven't posted in a while, so thought I would update today. We added a fence around our house this week, have a little bit to do to finish it up. We went to the swap meet yesterday and bought 5 Black Australorp hen and one little banty. My Reds bullyed my Barred Rocks, but last night when we let the new girls out at bedtime they found out that they wasn't so tough. Had some hen fights. Even one Barred Rock get in it. Checkers, the Roo was very excited, tried to interest one hen first thing. They are getting along fine today, the Reds are letting them roam pretty much where they want. The little Miss Banty just stays on the roost in the house. I didn't hear what kind he said she was, so I posted a picture in case someone might know. I have one Red that went missing this week, no sign of feathers, the poultry man said she could be off sitting on eggs. We have some hay close to the yard and think that might be where she is.


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