***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Who was it that had the necropsy done on the 12 wk old chick and the diagnosis was ascarids (roundworms)? True5? I want to thank you. All this time I've had it stuck in my head that the chick losses I've had were because of coccidia. Ever since I read your post about it I've been reading and reading and it's occurred to me my losses were due to roundworms and not coccidia. I'm convinced that has been the problem. I'm good about deworming all new birds but in hindsight I don't really deworm chicks. There's good info at:
The signs are so exactly what I've dealt with, the unthriftiness, failure to grow, all of it. I've gone through and wormed ALL the chicks here and most the adults with Safeguard, one by one to make sure they get the dewormer. I'll finish the rest when I get more and then follow up in 10 days. I just wanted to thank you for mentioning that, I'm sure this has been my problem.
Reminds me I need to worm everybody... but I hate doing it when the waterers are iced!

Hotcurlr yes I got the emails thanks very much.

It always comforts me that even if I am too late to save a bird they spend their last days/hours warm in a crate in the house, not out in the cold getting picked on.
[quote name="lonnyandrinda" url="/t/501128/okies-in-the-byc-iii/50850#post I'm so sick of this flip flopping weather I could scream.[/quote]
Me too- what a crazy season- I think I will be delerious with relief when Spring gets here.
Generic name of albon is Sulfadimethoxine, another bycer sent me some, it is used for both cocci and bacterial infections, not sure how it can do both

Yes, I'm familiar w/ sulfa drugs. I just hadn't heard of Albon. Right now she reeks w/the smell of DMSO but she is really doing better. I think. Glenn tubed her again tonight and she wasn't fighting her neck and seemed to have more contol
I've just mainly been trying to keep her hydrated and fed, antibiotics,vitamins, electolites, probios, yogurt eggs, etc. DMSO is so good for getting fluid from the brain. It was originally(so I've been told) used on mongoloid babies(water babies). Manitol is good but at 300 dollars I'll stick to DMSO. I've had a lot of luck with it. She hasn't been coughing sneezing just breathing hard, but tonight after feeding she was so relaxed and thn coughed and sneezed up the yucciest stuff all over hubby. We both had to laugh. What else could we do. The vet from Texas Aand M called back but was no help and didn't want to give me any info on the phone. Oh well. Tomorrow as I said, if she is still with us I'll call Stillwaer and see what they have to say.If u believe in some type of higher power, pray for her. I'm silly I know. Just love my girls. and boys I should add.

Who was it that had the necropsy done on the 12 wk old chick and the diagnosis was ascarids (roundworms)? True5? I want to thank you. All this time I've had it stuck in my head that the chick losses I've had were because of coccidia. Ever since I read your post about it I've been reading and reading and it's occurred to me my losses were due to roundworms and not coccidia. I'm convinced that has been the problem. I'm good about deworming all new birds but in hindsight I don't really deworm chicks. There's good info at:
The signs are so exactly what I've dealt with, the unthriftiness, failure to grow, all of it. I've gone through and wormed ALL the chicks here and most the adults with Safeguard, one by one to make sure they get the dewormer. I'll finish the rest when I get more and then follow up in 10 days. I just wanted to thank you for mentioning that, I'm sure this has been my problem.
Ksane that was me. I have the pathology report, but again don't know how to download it to this site. I'm not sure if it;s on my e-mail but I do have a copy I can scan and send. But yes, it taught me a great lesson. Here I thought I was being a good caretaker, vaccines, worming etc. However, worming in water is not theay to go. I'm suprised she was all I lost. Individually and I know they've gotten what they should. I was so shocked. and felt like a complete stupid loser. For all u Wazine users out there, it is now becoming uneffective because of the water useage and each chicken not getting the correct dosage. I read a whole thing on it. If I can find the site again I'll let ya'll know.
My first time mama ausralorpe pullet pecked to death two of her new chicks. Never ever have had that happen. Two more had pipped and I called Kathryn and by the time Igot offf the phone hubby had pulled away the shell because they were backwards(Might be why she pecked the other two) anyway they are doing fine, and the last one got out of it's shell shortly after. The first two were dry when Glenn just went and checked and the third was drying. I thought we had given her 6 eggs, but I guess we only gave her five since she was so young and the weather has been so nasty. She seems to be taking care of them. I'll go check her in a little bit. She's a little grumpy about her chicks right now. Is there anywhere in the Tulsa area that I can get oxine? If not NanaKat told me where I can order. Thank you all for your help. I sure hope this whatever it is with our birds will give us a break so we can just enjoy them without all the worry all the time. Think that will ever happen?
@hotcurltr you seem to know your stuff, but just in case... for wry neck increase vitamin e with just a little selenium to increase the e absorption rate. Too much selenium is bad, so just a few grains per dosing. When one of my roos developed a crooked neck after a round of antibiotics wiped out his digestive tract I squeezed three caps directly into his mouth and he was massively improved the next day.

I know you have a lot of other stuff going on with your goose and the vitamins may not help, but I can't imagine they would hurt. I hope.
@hotcurltr you seem to know your stuff, but just in case... for wry neck increase vitamin e with just a little selenium to increase the e absorption rate. Too much selenium is bad, so just a few grains per dosing. When one of my roos developed a crooked neck after a round of antibiotics wiped out his digestive tract I squeezed three caps directly into his mouth and he was massively improved the next day.

I know you have a lot of other stuff going on with your goose and the vitamins may not help, but I can't imagine they would hurt. I hope.
thank you. I need all the help I cn get. I did read that but kinda ignored it. Now that u have reiterated it I'll make sure I do it. Thank you again for your post earlier. I was a wreck and didn't know which way to turn. There is so much controversy on the internet. You gave me hope which I needed very much. Thank you again. You seem to be the one that knows your stuff. I'm so new with birds. I think around here we all need to learn to be our own vets, but it's hard when we don't have the equipment to diagnose.
True5 don't worry too much about small temp fluctuations. How accurate is your thermometer though? If you calibrated it then you should be able to go from 98 to 101 without hurting the eggs. 102 or higher for more than 5-6 hours can start to affect them. Did you let the temp in the bator stabilize before yoy added eggs?

Mine is a still air and I get very good hatches in it. I've heard of problems using forced air.
My thermometer was pretty spot on when I used it last time. It's a digital. I had two other cheap ones that were off by 5 degrees but those had broke. I try to make sure they don't go over 100 in the forced air. I'm starting to wonder if the still air is better from the reviews I have read. So far all the eggs I have candled seem to be doing great in the forced air. I candle the ones in the still air tomorrow. I try to keep the temp in there at 101 but it sometimes goes to 102. Guess I will see how they are coming along!

Rinda, I've been using the Little Giants and those things just aren't dependable. I'm kind of country and the temperature of my house fluctuates. What's really infuriating, though, is when it's NOT fluctuating, but for some reason the temperature of the Little Giant jumps up to 108. Then you'll be using it for days and it'll be spot on, and without any drastic temperature changes the temp will drop to 87. Those things really annoy me.
The little giant I am using is pretty ok as far as not going past 102. I'm sure that if I could get our house warmer then it would sky rocket. Were somewhat in the country and use a fireplace and space heaters to keep our house warm. Our heat and a/c unit was stolen out of our shop building right before we moved in so it has been a long time that we have to pay it off then finally get another.
We FINALLY got a heater but hubby is still in the process of putting it in and hooking it up. But I also am very obsessive on watching the temps in the bators. I REALLY want a good hatch!!!
Egg batch #1 is due to hatch next week.

Who was it that had the necropsy done on the 12 wk old chick and the diagnosis was ascarids (roundworms)? True5? I want to thank you. All this time I've had it stuck in my head that the chick losses I've had were because of coccidia. Ever since I read your post about it I've been reading and reading and it's occurred to me my losses were due to roundworms and not coccidia. I'm convinced that has been the problem. I'm good about deworming all new birds but in hindsight I don't really deworm chicks. There's good info at:
The signs are so exactly what I've dealt with, the unthriftiness, failure to grow, all of it. I've gone through and wormed ALL the chicks here and most the adults with Safeguard, one by one to make sure they get the dewormer. I'll finish the rest when I get more and then follow up in 10 days. I just wanted to thank you for mentioning that, I'm sure this has been my problem.
Do you get safeguard at Atwoods? What is the dosage for chickens big and small? I need to get that done. I did the roundworm stuff in the water but obviously I need to do something else. I have a small pullet that is much smaller than the others as if she was a runt. I'm hoping that if I do worm her then she will grow more, but on the flip side I hope it isn't worms. Oh, and it wasn't me. My chicks just recently had Cocci but that was a post by someone else.

So I guess were due for more snow this week.
I would love to slap mother nature. She needs to get back on her meds and regulate with warmer temps.

12 fluffy butts in the hatcher with a few more pipped.

sorry to hear about the losses to frostbite and the weather.

Not looking forward to the snow and continued rollercoaster weather. Makes Spring gardening look like a far-off dream.
Ooo! Pictures of your babies when you get a chance!


She is charging $20 a doz. Down side is she isn't NPIP cert. If that doesn't bother you then she is on the "Feathered Friends of So. Oklahoma" group on Facebook. Her name is Stacie Pace. Just go to that page and you will see her post. Just thought I would put that out there for those who are looking.
Quote: on wryneck, i have a little silky just recovering from it, he is actually walking now- this is what i do-
a couple T of crumble or fermented feed, add- a couple drops of poly visol infant vitamins, a b complex ground up, 50 mg selenium, vit e or lecithin capsule and a baby asprin(anti-inflamitory) continue with this daily, you should start seeing result fast-

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