***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Awwwww...how cute!
Wow...such an energetic lady!
Said the pot to the kettle!!!!!
I just finished this this morning. It is hand sew of course all ties pretty much have to be. I also made it w/o a pattern. I have made my husbands ties for years and have tried pattern after pattern and they are always complicated at the point, I think to add to the mystique of it all, but I had an idea for a simpler version and really like how it turned out.

The fabric is a faux suede w/ a shiny almost plastisized print
This lemon blue cochin sweetie had a touch of shrinkwrap. When I peeled the stuck membrane off her, she popped straight up and peeped at me! D'aaawwwwwww!

I didn't want to do another staggered hatch, so I put my lemons in later than you set yours. My office in the basement is cool, so it makes a good storage space for eggs waiting to be set. Today is day 14 for mine. I hope they hatch. Yours is soooooo cute!
I didn't want to do another staggered hatch, so I put my lemons in later than you set yours. My office in the basement is cool, so it makes a good storage space for eggs waiting to be set. Today is day 14 for mine. I hope they hatch. Yours is soooooo cute!

The girls that get to wear those will be "styling and profiling"
I have a half grown pair for sale, $20, and an extra cockerel I'd take $8 for him.  They are about 10 weeks old and adorable!  I can post pics tomorrow if you are interested.  They are from hatching eggs I bought in February if I remember right.  I can look up hatch date later.

Yes I'm interested. If you could post pics that would be great.
Coral, I need to bring my growing collection of crippled chickies to see you so they can have their measurements taken for your stylin' chicken fashions!
Finally joined the ranks of chicken owners. 2 bantam cochins and a partridge silkie. Almost 6 weeks old and SOOOOOO cute.
You guys are awful enablers. (I'm looking at you @subhanalah )

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