***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Does anyone know where to get organic feed in oklahoma? I'm mostly looking for starter grower and grower finisher but might be interested in layer as well if the price is right. I am in the Enid area but travel is not out of the question.

Have you looked into Texas naturals? It's not organic but it's all natural non GMO. There's a small place around here (Washington OK) that carries it but you can check their website for places near you. Again, it's not organic but I've had no luck finding any organic feed. Let me know if you do.
How much is that per 50lb bag? I found a web site for a co op in arkansas that sells in bulk and might be looking into that. Might be able to get some resale in OK to supplement the drive lol.
Have you looked into Texas naturals? It's not organic but it's all natural non GMO. There's a small place around here (Washington OK) that carries it but you can check their website for places near you. Again, it's not organic but I've had no luck finding any organic feed. Let me know if you do.
I don't really have any need for organic feed. Our local feed store stocks Big V. My chickens seem to do fine on it. Any opinions?
I don't really have any need for organic feed. Our local feed store stocks Big V. My chickens seem to do fine on it. Any opinions?
We are feeding are three laying hens regular feed right now and the eggs are delicious. I want to raise some meat birds this spring and the organic feed at the grocery store is just sooooo much better that if the cost was comparable we would like to have organic feed.
I don't really have any need for organic feed. Our local feed store stocks Big V. My chickens seem to do fine on it. Any opinions?

Its really a personal choice. For me, and my family, we're crazy cautious about what we eat, and avoid GMOs in our food, so it makes sense for us to avoid feeding them to the chickens.

@chewy352 I actually just found (thro a friend) someone that gets Thayer feed from Kansas and is going to be a distributor with pickup in Edmond. So we will be trying it as soon as he gets set up. They have a website and I believe it has a price list. The Texas Naturals was about 24 for a 50lb bag.
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sad to hear, got my porthos from him, real reliable and honest-


Thank you!

Amazing, congrats!!!!  Might try Facebook for getting some new birds, the Oklahoma Backyard Chickens page is very active.

Yes he is selling out but for now he is trying to find someone to take everything as a package.  You can "like" his page he said he will start parting his chickens out in a few weeks if he doesn't find a package buyer.

Thank you very much for all the information! And Congrats! It's been a long year, but everyday brings new goals reached & leaving me wanting to do things 'chicken'
I missed them when I was gone.

I have close to 30 (I will have >30 by tomorrow, I'm sure) fertilized EE eggs, and 7 (likely to be >8 tomorrow) fertilized Cuckoo Marans eggs. I've had an ad on Craig's List with no takers. But, since they have not been refrigerated for several days, (since being laid) in anticipation of going in someone's incubator, I don't want to just put them in with the fresh refrigerated eggs, to eat.
They need to go in an incubator, pretty soon, as they are approaching the one week mark, and I don't own one. Is anyone near to me that would like some eggs to incubate?
I also now have 19 Narragansett turkey eggs, that I really would like to sell, but don't want them to go to waste.

I would be interested in the Cuckoo Maran eggs. Please text me though. I can't seem to get online very often anymore. 918-873-9395 and my name is Bev.

How much is that per 50lb bag? I found a web site for a co op in arkansas that sells in bulk and might be looking into that. Might be able to get some resale in OK to supplement the drive lol.

I've been looking for organic feed too. I found some at Atwood's for $20 per 40#.
My hubby refuses to pay that, but I really want them on it.
We purchase feed now by the half ton in 50# bags. When they say "bulk" are they referring to loose feed?
Its really a personal choice. For me, and my family, we're crazy cautious about what we eat, and avoid GMOs in our food, so it makes sense for us to avoid feeding them to the chickens.

@chewy352 I actually just found (thro a friend) someone that gets Thayer feed from Kansas and is going to be a distributor with pickup in Edmond. So we will be trying it as soon as he gets set up. They have a website and I believe it has a price list. The Texas Naturals was about 24 for a 50lb bag.

It's been awhile since i've done the math but i think on the meat birds I need to be close to or below $15 per 5p lb bag.

Thank you!
Thank you very much for all the information! And Congrats! It's been a long year, but everyday brings new goals reached & leaving me wanting to do things 'chicken'
I missed them when I was gone.
I would be interested in the Cuckoo Maran eggs. Please text me though. I can't seem to get online very often anymore. 918-873-9395 and my name is Bev.
I've been looking for organic feed too. I found some at Atwood's for $20 per 40#.
My hubby refuses to pay that, but I really want them on it.
We purchase feed now by the half ton in 50# bags. When they say "bulk" are they referring to loose feed?

You bring your own containers. Anything from bags to trash cans and they fill them up. Here is there site http://onf.coop/whats-in-store/ozark-natural-feeds/
Its really a personal choice. For me, and my family, we're crazy cautious about what we eat, and avoid GMOs in our food, so it makes sense for us to avoid feeding them to the chickens.

@chewy352 I actually just found (thro a friend) someone that gets Thayer feed from Kansas and is going to be a distributor with pickup in Edmond. So we will be trying it as soon as he gets set up. They have a website and I believe it has a price list. The Texas Naturals was about 24 for a 50lb bag.

Its been awhile since I did the math but I think I need to find it around $15 per 50lb bag to make it worth while for us.

I've been looking for organic feed too. I found some at Atwood's for $20 per 40#.
My hubby refuses to pay that, but I really want them on it.
We purchase feed now by the half ton in 50# bags. When they say "bulk" are they referring to loose feed?

Google Ozark Natural Foods. You can bring anything from bags to trashcans and they fill them up and you pay by weight.
Thanks @ksane for all the good info. It gives me a better idea of where to start. I think I have a good 1/2 an acre I can fence off and make work. And yes; he's a great kid with a giant heart. He works hard too. He's out there with me almost every morning and evening doing chicken chores. When he goes to friends houses now he says "I dont eat wheat or chicken" he won't touch it. Those are his babies. He's super excited about his soon to be rooster pen.

People get all bent out of shape sometimes when the subject gets around to "eating meat you raise" is the only way to go. I'll eat pork sometimes because I, personally, don't like pigs for pets (yes, I tried one once). But sorry, I wouldn't eat my 12 yr old Border Collie nor can I eat my chickens, same goes for dog meat and chicken meat :) I'd eat horse meat, yet that horrifies most horse owners.

Hey @YardBirdMom !
Glad to hear the good prognosis! Still have the girls and all are still doing great!
Quote: compassion isn't really something that can be taught, you are born with it or not- encourage that boy, it is a rare and wonderful quality- i could no more eat my birds than i could a child- just the way i am- it says alot about you as a parent too- don't ever let people get on you for raising your kids to be sensitive and caring.. off my soap box

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