***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Just a few pics from this morning.....

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I need to ask a question about one of my hens. Her face, comb, and wattles went pale, she lost her appetite, and was lazy for approximately 2 days. I think she also did not lay during those days, but I'm not certain. She seems fine now, color is good, and she's eating and laying. I was wondering what sort of condition would cause a mysterious short-term malaise like that? Most of the information I found about comb color indicated conditions that would generally not pass so quickly, or without some sort of treatment. Just curious what could have happened. I checked her crop, checked her for parasites. Nothing seemed amiss.
May have ingested something that didn't agree with her. When did you worm them last?
May have ingested something that didn't agree with her. When did you worm them last?

I dissect poop piles looking for worms once or twice a week. I've never seen any so I haven't ever wormed them. However, yesterday I noticed another hen with a pale comb. It comes and goes. Egg production has dropped a bit. I was actually wondering if I haven't overdosed them on arugula from my garden. I've been thinning the plants like crazy and throwing them to my girls. These arugula plants are extra pungent, we can't even eat them unless they are baby leaves. They seemed to like them, and they are supposed to be good for them, but I suppose it could be messing with their systems in the amounts I've given them.
Arugula is high in vitamins A and C but not too high in calories. Can't imagine they could get too much, but if that is more than 1/2 the food intake each day, it might take time to digest it. Cruciferous veggies can cause gas or bloat in some livestock...not sure about poultry.

You could chop some and freeze it in a little water in pint or quart bags for when it is hot this summer.
We moved her into a box in the garage she took a long time to realize those were the eggs she was supposed to sit on she was so stubborn about her nest that she wouldn't sit in the nest when I put her in the nest she just stood in the nest cackling but then I turned the light off and she finally sat
I dissect poop piles looking for worms once or twice a week. I've never seen any so I haven't ever wormed them. However, yesterday I noticed another hen with a pale comb. It comes and goes. Egg production has dropped a bit. I was actually wondering if I haven't overdosed them on arugula from my garden. I've been thinning the plants like crazy and throwing them to my girls. These arugula plants are extra pungent, we can't even eat them unless they are baby leaves. They seemed to like them, and they are supposed to be good for them, but I suppose it could be messing with their systems in the amounts I've given them.

you won't always see worms in poop, get a fecal to be sure, i lost a few birds before i learned that

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