***OKIES in the BYC III ***

If you get to the Guy Rose Auction early enough, you can put your birds in cages that are there.  Otherwise, you'll have to use your own cages, but they won't sell the cages with the birds unless you specify they are to go with them.  They'll come around and get your information and tag your cages.  They'll start the auction at the end of the line that is along the fence and under the roof--where the eggs are--and go down the line all the way to the end before they come back to the other lines of cages under the roof.  You can stay for the auction, or you can leave and they'll mail you your check.  I've had pretty good luck selling my birds there (I have silkies and showgirls), but haven't sold there many times, nor for a year or more.  
I was told by another user that you might have silkies for sale. This is my first year raising chicks and I would love some silkies.

Krazykat heres an update on moe (I hope he is a she) getting pretty colors now has red mixed in the black & white

This one is looking great too getting a long black tail
awww....they are gettin big! and "penny" should have a somewhat longer tail, he/she is half Sumatra!
Sorry but I am 99% sure Moe is a boy.
I have to agree with kass on this one, I think you got yourself a roo for your three NN hens.

Guess what hatched for me last night !
It was a bald headed NN.
Has anyone ever heard of that hapening??? I don't want to take any chances of it getting a chill. I'll try to get a picture of it later when it warms up some. I'll do my best, however, my camera don't take good close-ups.
wow! bald head NN....don't think I have ever seen one of those...

Guess what hatched for me last night !
It was a bald headed NN.
Has anyone ever heard of that hapening??? I don't want to take any chances of it getting a chill. I'll try to get a picture of it later when it warms up some. I'll do my best, however, my camera don't take good close-ups.

no fuzz at all?? poor little guy needs a hat and scarf!

well, all my birds i had to rehome are done - appreciate you guys!!

another week and a half for jury duty, it has been quite eye opening- so annoyances aside, i'm glad i got the experience
Hi folks! I have some people wanting pullets 4 chicks of Americauna, and 4 of Welsummers, also have a friend wanting 8-10 Cayuga Ducklings, if you can help me out please PM or contact me on FB Please!!! Thanks Lynn
I have 18 Cayugas set to go into lockdown next Thursday, and possibly might sell 4 of my Americauna chicks also (have no idea if pullets or roos, they are a little over a month old)....if she is still looking next week, let me know.
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well i got chickens today, had brooder all ready in the coop, but my wife said she wanted the in the house. So that's where they are ,in a banana box in the kitchen. b&l feed in jay did a great job. Richard MC

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