***OKIES in the BYC III ***

A nice lady put up a reply on a thread I was reading and said this was a Okie Chicken thread!
I am out here south of Mounds, haven't been on BYC long but raisin' critters including chickens my whole life (which is longer than I will ever admit!) Just wanted to say HI
I'd like to say,
from here on the Okie side.
Hey guys, I spoke to Cathie briefly last night. She is still getting moved & has sold most of her birds. She said she still has a few bantam pairs & a couple foam incubators. Anyone interested can PM her, screen name Okieridge.
As many of you know we break ground on our house in a 2 more weeks. I spend spare time browsing house ideas. My kitchen has been roosters for as long as I can remember, but today I ran across peacock kitchens!
I don't think I will be doing my kitchen in peafowl, but sure was surprised to find them!
That ceiling mural is really beautiful. There are a lot of peacock "dust collectors", as my Mom calls them, at Hobby lobby but even more chicken stuff.
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Quote: cochins are more dangerous at taking over your heart than almost any other breed- except for favoerolles! That said, my 2 favorites- Miss Cassiopea, a giant cochin, - this girl can't be picked up with one hand, she must be at least 10-12 pounds-

and Mary, my bantam faverolle\

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I'm down here in Purcell and just got my first hens and chicken coop with a run. I have 3 jersey giants and am about to get a rooster. although I grew up having chickens, I never really learned "how" to do it. I have a lot of questions. I want my hens to be healthy, happy and lay productively.

I gotta say
on the Okie thread. You're right. You need a Jersey Giant rooster so you can start having little Giants running around.
Good morning everyone, it is cold and rainy here in north central Oklahoma!!! The chickens are doing good, getting more eggs than we can eat and sell, my free rangers are not likeing the raqiny cold as they have to stay housed up during bad weather. As you all know I aquired Pocco Pollos goats, they all three are so sweet and loving, I am getting back into the swing of hand milking after some 25-3- years!!! LOL The girls are patient with me and we are getting it done! the goats don't like the cold rain either, I am keeping them housed up and just letting them out on leads when we milk and walking them and letting them graze a little before going back in the barn with lots of hay and fresh water each day! They are content but am sure they will be happy when Spring really gets here and they will have fresh greens to nibble on! I don't think my hen that is setting on eggs is going to hatch, not sure if the cold snaps got the eggs or if the old rooster just don't have it anymore, i think we will give her some fresh eggs today and see what happens then! Have a blessed day all!!! Lynn
MJ thought you would like to know we hatched out a coupld of cochin eggs this week and I am about to set a few more. I will get pics of the babies in a bit and post them for ya! One came out all yellow! Not sure if they are pure cochin cause we had a couple of other roos in there since they were small but they are gone and Mr. Spotty is the king of castle. I even has some blue frizzle ones to breed him with. Cant wait to see what they look like.
Well, initially I was joking about starting an indoor garden with all of my early plant starts ... but more and more it's looking like my indoor garden may become real if this weather continues to be so cold and nasty. I suppose we'll still get 110 plus degree weather this summer too, just to add to the misery. Sigh. New chicken house is coming along slowly. Have most of one cordwood wall built, only three more to go. It's a looooooooot of work for being recycled. Way more time than just cutting up pallets and reusing the wood from them. And we still need to get started on the yard cover. I want their whole yard covered so that we can be gone for a weekend if we need to be without worrying that they will get out or something will get in. The neighbors whining about our chickens really needs to understand what creatures are out there rummaging around in their own yard that's more dangerous than our chickens. We even had a coyote in town over the last couple of weeks and we know we have a den of red foxes less than three blocks from us. Plus possums and skunks and armadillos and hawks and owls and racoons ... people just think there are no wild animals in town.

Well hope everyone has a nice (although dreary) weekend. Eat something good and warm, hug your children, and enjoy a good chicken show or two!
Hi everyone! I just found this thread and decided to follow it. Getting ready to take treats out to the flock, they're not liking this weather! Can we post here if we are looking for a specific type of chicken? I have been looking in the buy and sell forum but I never find anything around my area. Anyway, just wanted to say Hi! Everyone have a great day, it will warm up soon!!

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