***OKIES in the BYC III ***

We want quiet birds that are just for laying. We were thinking of Easter Eggers or any breed that is easy-going.

The garden is not raised, though.
I have my non raised garden fenced, but a few of my chickens do not respect a fence. Some of my garden stuff planted right in w/ the chickens, the only problems I seem to have are w/ tomatoes, they love to browse the tomatoes, I wouldn't even mind if they would eat one until it was gone instead of a little off each tomato, the other problem is at planting, they love to dig up whatever you have planted.
Most plants mine just ignore.

Looking to get out of the chicken business. If anyone needs/ wants some birds in the Yukon area, let me know. Or if you know of any auctions coming up.

There's one in Jay, OK and Ensign in Prague OK this Saturday
Kass, I'm interested in some raspberry plants. I live close enough to come pick them up. With my poor short-term memory, I probably won't remember to remind you in the fall, though! Thanks
Kass, I'm interested in some raspberry plants. I live close enough to come pick them up. With my poor short-term memory, I probably won't remember to remind you in the fall, though! Thanks
I will do my best to remember to post closer to the fall when they will be ready to transplant to hopefully remind any who may want some.
Allium ...a whole series. Also leeks have the same purple colored flower.
thank you Nana, Kass and Shelby for your great gardening call! I can plant and grow stuff but not real good at figuring out what odd stuff is. My dad was a master gardner (graduated from OSU) but it didn't rub off on me sadly. Now I wish I had taken more interest in his gardening projects before his last few years.

Hope everyone is keeping dry, my poor birds will be furious with me by time the rain lets up. I need to get creative with some treats for their pen for times like this when they can't be out free ranging all day. They are already mad at me because Kurt is gone to camp this week which means they have to be fed in the evenings when I get home instead of first thing in the morning. I tried to make it up to them by taking them some kitchen scraps but they still acted like I had been starving them even though they had been out scratching for bugs and eating weeds all day! LOL
Don't you just hate it when the grass grows so fast that you have to hunt for the water meter? I expected to find a submerged meter, but instead I found a snake. I used a stick to uncover the numbers to read the meter, and the little guy attacked the stick as if it were a mongoose.
It's a good thing you didn't put your hand in. Looks like a water moccasin.

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