***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I am going to start my coop area soon. If anyone here has any, I will be looking for some started pullets; either 3 Orpingtons and 1 Easter Egger or 4 Orpingtons.
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I have a few sick/injured birds. Anyone know what's going on or what to try?

This Black Copper Marans hen acts fine but has a big lump on her face between her beak and her eye. I've heard about "eye worms" is that what this is? What do I do about it?

This other one is an EE, I have her isolated and have Gallymicin in her water. I've been putting colloidal silver drops in her eyes 3x daily (that's what I do for my kids' eye infections so I thought it couldn't hurt). The swelling seems down today a little so I'm hoping she's on the mend. It was really bad when I first noticed it two days ago. Is there anything else I should do for her? I recently finished a round of Gallimycin through the whole flock so I don't think it's respiratory. She is very low on the pecking order and kind of a loner so I think it may be a pecking injury. When I isolated her two days ago she ate and drank like the other hens had been keeping her from eating and drinking.

Last time I had a bird face swell up like that - it was respiratory...just anchored in the sinuses...where it was very hard to clear out. Antibiotics seemed to clear it cephaloxin (or something like that) but then within a few months or so, it came back...hadn't cleared fully. I put her down. :(
Hi ya'll!! New to BYC and homesteading in general. Actually we're still in the process of procuring the land and getting started. I love to research though and can't help myself from digging through everything and learning all that I can before we even get started!!

My main concern with chickens is the heat. I've read the heat can slow down egg production. Are there breeds specifically breed for heat tolerance? Is heat as much of a concern as I'm thinking it is? (9yrs here and I'm still not use to the heat) We're looking for dual purpose birds, they'll be free ranged in the pastures after the cows, and they have to have a decent temperament as we're a family with lots of kids and my kids come first :) Can we incubate in November or is it too cold come January to put them in the coop?
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