***OKIES in the BYC III ***

My bad your right. I was thinking this was July for some reason. I guess bc I have been working 7 days a week for a while.And if you are not trying to start a fight why are you making so many snide comments? This will be the 8th week as of this weekend. My frustration not only comes from how long its taking but also how many times I have been told its in the mail.
I feel for you. It took is driving to the auction to get our measly $12.xx from a bad check. I do believe they mean well but this has gone on to long It shouldn't have taken almost 2 months.
We have
Is there as anything as a momma having too many chicks?
I am saying this because they have hatched out 9 chicks and still have 9 more eggs to go! They are an oegb and a Cochin. The chicks are Cochin oegb polish and silkies.
a bantam buff brahma that is raising 22 chicks on her own. She hatched 8 and the others she adopted from Kurt's blue bantam Cochins they hatched them then started to kill the chicks off by pecking them. So we took them away and gave them to the little buff brahma. She is a force to deal with when we go to fee and water. She hasn't lost a chick yet.
There is really no telling what you will get from a cross of a blue silkie to a white silkie. Think of the white silkie as wearing a white lab coat over its ordinary "clothing". Its genes may contain quite a few different colors and you can have quite a variety of chicks hatch from that cross. You get splashes from your blue/black/splash group. I don't recall right off exactly what percentages you can expect out of each possible cross.
Been busy between running the fireworks stand, work and helping dh with his work and of course the birds. We ended up with over 40 chicks hatched by Broodys and have a OEGB and a duccel that have gone broody this week. The poor girls. Mr Red is doing MUCH better. I wasn't holding out to muh hope for him earlier the week his comb was purple and he didn't want to eat or drink. But after a nice bath in Adams flee shampoo and a few days of Noromycine injections and B12 in his water he is much better. His comb is red again and he was crowing yesterday. His little hen was back to her old self as well. So hope what ever it was that had him down is over with. I am going to get more Ivomec Pour on today. Ours must have gotten lost in the move.

What does everyone use for mites in coops? I will be at Atwoods later so can pick something up then. Just want to make sure it is bird friendly.

Hope everyone can be in the cool of AC today. I am taking the first shift in the stand and it is hot hot hot out here.
i am sure my big cold breed puppy and two thick hair cats (one is short hair, the other long hair) will love me again once our AC is fixed next week.. it works, just not well at all. we have a brand new outside AC unit. but still need to do the indoor heating unit... it works great in the winter, but cannot keep up in the summer.. soooo until next week, we will all be agitated and moody, and our animals will continue to melt.. LOL our animals are such drama queens, but i am sure they are not liking it at all. our cats can go outside as they please, but the puppy cannot. our neighbors would kill us if she was outside all the time, because she constantly barks to come back inside if left outside by herself.. she is a mommys dog (my dog) as i am the one who has always taken care of her since we got her, and protected her from the wrath of dad (DH) when she did something she shouldnt of done, but didnt get caught until after it was too late to actually scold her.. okay my rambling is done, just wanted to pop in. everyone stay hydrated and safe in this heat...
i forget what the name of it is, and there may be more than one brand, but their is a mite powder or dust for chickens. you can dust them or put it in the coop in a pan or something so they can dust bath in it.
We have
a bantam buff brahma that is raising 22 chicks on her own. She hatched 8 and the others she adopted from Kurt's blue bantam Cochins they hatched them then started to kill the chicks off by pecking them. So we took them away and gave them to the little buff brahma. She is a force to deal with when we go to fee and water. She hasn't lost a chick yet.
I love hens. Iknow i have said this many times before but they are the strongest little personalities, hearts of lions.

My #1 broody Wheaten Americauna's chicks started hatching today; before I expected. Two of the chicks fell out of the coop and #2 Wheaten Americauna broody was off her nest and guarding the babies. I don't know how long she had been off her nest but I quick grabbed those eggs and stuck them under a couple of broody Cochins.
I put a ramp up to the coop door so maybe the chicks can get back up in there. I put food and chick waterers in and outside the coop too. There are 3 more chicks and 4 more eggs, (1 pipped) under #1. I think when the rest of these eggs are hatched I will take all of these chicks to the brooder in the garage. This pen isn't as "chick secure" as the ones my other mamas and babies are in. I am running out of waterers and hardware cloth.
I waited all Spring and had only 3 chicks hatch, lots of infertile eggs and don't know why. My Cochin breeding pens are slowly producing fluffier birds. Maybe I need to pluck rumps or AI?
This week they are making up for the bad Spring - 24 and counting, all but 6 are Ameraucanas though. No Lavender Cochins chicks yet.
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A EE crossed with a brown egg layer will make an Olive Egger. The eggs are olive or khaki colored.

I have Wheater Ameraucana hens and a Wheater Marans cockerel. Think I might try to make some Wheaten OEs. I also have a Blue Marans hen. Maybe I can borrow my neighbor's Blue Ameraucana roo and make some Blue OEs.
I have a Blue Ameracauna Cockerel I am looking to get rid of. He is 12-14 weeks old. I would sell him for $10 or trade him for a hen of some sort. Turns out I have more roos than I planned on and I lost a lot of birds to storms and predators over the past few weeks. If you are interested let me know.
I have a Blue Ameracauna Cockerel I am looking to get rid of. He is 12-14 weeks old. I would sell him for $10 or trade him for a hen of some sort. Turns out I have more roos than I planned on and I lost a lot of birds to storms and predators over the past few weeks. If you are interested let me know.
Yes, I might like him or Jack would. He lost one of his Blue roos last week. I will ask him or think about where I can put him. Would you like a Wheaten Ameraucana pullet?

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