***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Miohippus, that is a good idea, I will post pics of them later today. As far as his eye being put out, that is certainly a possibility however, it just looks as if there is a film of cheesy stuff over the eye. I spend every afternoon for about and hour trying to get that stuff out, using polysporin as a previous post suggested. Even went to the feed store and bought Nixall to spray in the eye. Both products help but as of yet very little stuff has come out of his eye. Poor chicken

I've dealt with that and the mass can be quite a way up into the eye cavity. I have someone else hold the bird and I use tweezers. It can be pretty traumatic but it must come out or the bird will lose its eye. The stuff sometimes comes back too.
I think it is related to a respiratory issue, seems to affect the sinus area too(?). I have used Gallimycin on a lot of cold type illnesses. Christina recommended it and It has worked well for me. (If the bird has a rattle, I go right for Tylan 50 inject-able though). I have read on other threads that Gallimycin works well for "Blue Comb" too. It is not expensive, about $12.00 for a large pouch of powder and only 1/4 tea. per gallon so it lasts a long time. I did have to order it on line and the shipping added to the price of course.
(I also love Vetracin spray gel for wounds. It is quite expensive but I have seen it work wonders on some pretty bad injuries).
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I know antibiotics don't work on viruses. They are for infections. I am willing to try them if I just can't tell what is going on. With birds it can be so hard to tell just what their ailments are caused by. I hate to see them struggle and suffer but I also don't want to raise birds that don't develop their own health defenses for illness and stresses.
NanaKat, you might have a point there. I do see a black dot through the film of stuff. Perhaps I overreacted and just assumed he was sick. Since he was with so many other fowl, it could quite possibly have been pecked out or something else could have happened to it. And it could very well be his eyelid that is covering his injury. After five days of trying to get the stuff off, it will not come off, with a hot washcloth or with polysporin and a q tip. Maybe I should just leave him alone after the antibiotic treatment and see what happens. Thanks for your advice.

And mjgigax - Where did you order the Gallimycin online? I am willing to try anything to save him. He is such a sweet boy. But if it does come back, do you usually loose the chicken or does it recover? He does not have any wheezing, coughing, gurgling etc. Just the eye problem and occasional drainage from his nostrils.
MJ, i think the Gallimycin dose is 2 tsp/gal, isn't it. It's actually Eurethrymycin (however *that's spelled) and at one point I dosed it down to figure out how much to give straight. 1/3 tsp is 250 mg. Don't take my word for it though lol So what i do now is mix 1/3 tsp of the powder into a cc of water, I shake it real well in a tiny vial. Then give them 1/2 cc of that mixture twice a day. The 1 st I ever had a bird live through that respiratory crap it was using that dose. Anyway, that's just what I do.
Here's the blue and the black Ameraucana boys, they're about 3 wks now and super calm. I may half-heartedly try to place the Black one but it's highly unlikely I'll find anyone who actually wants him so I'm planning a place for both of them here. Such wonderful curious passive personalities! I really do love Ameraucanas.

Scrapperval, chickens are unbelievably tough critters, and I'm amazed constantly at what mine get through and get over like champs. I have one I affectionately term my no-neck. She's not really a no-neck, but the neighbor's dog tore every bit of skin from her neck, from the back of her skull to between her shoulder blades, all the way around, so when the skin grew back, it grew back without feathers. My little no-neck. I'm hoping for the best for your roo.

And your frizzles are ADORABLE!
Caramel, AKA Tubthumper, AKA No-Neck. This was definitely the largest wound she had. I was convinced there was no way she could make it.


Caramel in rehab. She developed some bad habits.

NanaKat, you might have a point there. I do see a black dot through the film of stuff. Perhaps I overreacted and just assumed he was sick. Since he was with so many other fowl, it could quite possibly have been pecked out or something else could have happened to it. And it could very well be his eyelid that is covering his injury. After five days of trying to get the stuff off, it will not come off, with a hot washcloth or with polysporin and a q tip. Maybe I should just leave him alone after the antibiotic treatment and see what happens. Thanks for your advice.

And mjgigax - Where did you order the Gallimycin online? I am willing to try anything to save him. He is such a sweet boy. But if it does come back, do you usually loose the chicken or does it recover? He does not have any wheezing, coughing, gurgling etc. Just the eye problem and occasional drainage from his nostrils.

I goggled it and got it from an on-line farm supply site. (I can't remember which one:( )
Usually they recover. Neighbor Jack has a one-eyed roo that is just fine though he lost his eye.

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