***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I'm gonna say my fermented feed experiment was successful - it smells like sourdough and the chickens eat it about as fast as their mealworm treats.

I like sand for the 1st week or 2 also. It works best for bantam breeds. The bigger chicks just make a mess. If I had access to good old garden soil like Kass that's what I'd be using. You know...I wonder if it'd work to use a thin layer of sand and potting soil....? And then just dump it in the yard or garden every day to changge it out? I like that idea, I'll try that with this batch that's hatching this week. I've been using shavings with this bigger group of 30 together only because there's so many of them together and it's easier. I'm wondering if I should just go with dirt with them?
Anyway, Kyz-I agree-it's pasty butt and it's not uncommon at all. Twice a day on new chicks I check butts and crops. Make sure one is full and the other isn't :p
Talequah is way too far from here but I'd love to catch the Cherokeebirds, Serama and Newcastle shows. I'll have to go look up where Keystone Lake is, June. I loooove me some Seramas!
We're planning on going to the Newcastle auction tonight. I'm meeting someone who wants the Spitzhauben eggs and I'd like to maybe (maybe!) see if there's any Cochin eggs.
I've kept records and I honestly believe the secret to healthy strong birds is NOT breeding related parents. The birds I've had that haven't made it or had leg problems have pretty much all came from parents who were siblings, that has got me to thinking...has anyone else found that to be true?
Ksane, you will just HAVE to go to the serama show...you are closer to Keystone than I am...have to get Robyn to go too!! (and everybody else, too)

There will be a LOT of serama people there (from other states even)...nothing but serama walking around loose on the tables...A MUST DO EVENT! yes!
I like sand for the 1st week or 2 also. It works best for bantam breeds. The bigger chicks just make a mess. If I had access to good old garden soil like Kass that's what I'd be using. You know...I wonder if it'd work to use a thin layer of sand and potting soil....? And then just dump it in the yard or garden every day to changge it out? I like that idea, I'll try that with this batch that's hatching this week. I've been using shavings with this bigger group of 30 together only because there's so many of them together and it's easier. I'm wondering if I should just go with dirt with them?
Anyway, Kyz-I agree-it's pasty butt and it's not uncommon at all. Twice a day on new chicks I check butts and crops. Make sure one is full and the other isn't :p
Talequah is way too far from here but I'd love to catch the Cherokeebirds, Serama and Newcastle shows. I'll have to go look up where Keystone Lake is, June. I loooove me some Seramas!
We're planning on going to the Newcastle auction tonight. I'm meeting someone who wants the Spitzhauben eggs and I'd like to maybe (maybe!) see if there's any Cochin eggs.
I've kept records and I honestly believe the secret to healthy strong birds is NOT breeding related parents. The birds I've had that haven't made it or had leg problems have pretty much all came from parents who were siblings, that has got me to thinking...has anyone else found that to be true?

Ksane, Keystone Lake is between Tulsa and Stillwater, off Hwy. 51. Not exactly sure where on the lake yet so it could be off a different hwy. Basically look up Mannford or Cleveland, it is around both small towns.
Ok fellow Okies, if you remember, I posted on here a couple of weeks ago that I'd had a broody hen get off her eggs, and I was afraid they'd gotten too cold before I found her and got her back on her nest. After much good advice, I decided I'd leave her on her eggs, and if she didn't hatch any, I'd slip some chicks under her so my Granddaughter wouldn't be disappointed. Today is hatch day, and wouldn't you know it, a couple of the poor little buggers have survived despite moms running off. Here's my problem.... I left the eggs under her, and one actually made it out of the egg by itself. I went out to check on them, and the poor little wet thing was about 6" from the nest. I'm fairly sure mom must've pecked him and flung him out there, or he wouldn't have gotten that far away. She also managed to break a rotten egg, so you can imagine the stinking mess. I've put clean shavings in her nest, and taken the poor little chick and another that was halfway out to the house. I know there's at least one more egg that's got a chick in it. My question is this, do I leave it under mom until it's hatched, or bring it in and hope for the best. I have no incubator to put it in, but I can put it under the heat lamp with the other chicks. I have a feeling it's chances are slim either way, but I may just be being too much of a pessimist. What do you all think?

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