***OKIES in the BYC III ***

- regular Rudy fix -
I think I am in love
The pipes are singing but we don't have water yet.
Sure would like to wash water dishes and refill them from the tap rather than from gallon store-bought jugs. A shower before the Coweta sale would be nice too.
Hope you get water soon... I hate when the water is out because it either means I have a busted line or the pipes are frozen...

Newcastle auction tonight and..... SILKIES!!!!!

They have a trio of lavenders, a pair of blacks, and a pair of partridges. There is also, from the same person, a really nice white roo, a paint roo, and a buff and partridge roo. All look pretty good to me.

Also a few turkey pairs - the light red type, some barred rocks, smaller banties. One guinea. Two dozen rocky mountain buff eggs. Some turkey eggs bourbon and maybe something else, don't remember. Some guinea eggs. Oh, and a whole slew of Braggs buffs...I know they are special, but it has been so long since we really looked into the buff chickens that I don't remember the specific. I thought that one was coughing - kept hearing the noise but the LOOKED great. Come to figure out that it was the male turkey doing what he does to sound enticing to his hen! NO COUGHING!

Also, some silver laced wyandottes, buff orpingtons, smallish easter egger type hens...

One brooder and a bunch of candlers.

This was all at 1pm, so you know there will be tons more stuff.

I know a bunch of you will be going to Coweta - enjoy! Will miss you here.

Oh, @mjgigax - our turkens are beginning to lay again. I think I will set the eggs on Monday just to see what is what. I am thinking if you come to next months auction, I will have a dozen of their eggs or so for you. The bird that is laying now is a dark frizzle. If she continues saying, I am thinking the sire may be the sshowgirl.... although I have yet to see him breed them. So, they may all be infertile. But that is the second step - the first step is to be laying.
Dang I wish I could have been at both auctions at once.. The bourbon reds would have been nice.... Maybe next time...

I do a dry hatch with my SFH eggs. (or if I was going to do Marans eggs as well). I keep my humidity at 45 ish up to day 18. Then up to 55 or 60 for entire lock down. Good luck with the hatch!

Thank you! I have two and they are so sweet and docile. I really love that breed! And thanks, he is still like a squirrel in a box and drives me a bit crazy because he NEEDS to get OUT! LOL!

Awww!!!!! My hubby wants to get a goat for a pet. I'm not sure if I really want one yet... They are so cute as babies though!!!
Goats climb on cars... Unless you can have a place to pen them up they get on cars, in gardens, just about any place you don't want them.. I loved my goats and if they hadn't been stolen I would still have them but I don't miss that stuff..

I know you were interested in a NN dark skinned male, did you have any other preference, as far as feather color or top knot?
I would be interested in a dark skinned NN female if you ever have one available you would want to part with.. Black or blue preferably..
She would be for my layer flock...

I had a FABULOUS night at the Coweta auction wiith some of the coolest people EVER!! Spending time with Rebecca and MJ was really great. I could sit and talk with these two ladies for hours and hours and never get bored. Having Coral and Dusti there was icing on the cake, because they're two of the best people I know. Sitting around talking chickens with such amazing people, does it get any better than that?

Oh wait, it does! My mom wanted guineas and I scored a dozen mixed chocolate, buff, lavender and purple eggs! I wanted Dorkings and Gene was there with a dozen eggs that had my name on them! Rebecca also picked up a quad of lavender orp pullets that she, MJ and I split.

In other news, I bought a dozen exhibition quality white runner duck eggs as a prezzie for Dusti. Since she can only use a few, we might have some available to good homes soon.
It was wonderful meeting you and am so happy I got to spend time with everyone... I hope your lavender pullet is happy.. My two are doing great, and seem happy with their new friends even if it is in the quarantine pen...

Happy Easter

We had a calf born today ..will either be Easter or Cadbury...lol
I like Cadbury!!

We had two Goat kids born today the mom name is Mocha so the kids are Latte and Espresso.
Awww!!! Baby goats are wonderfully cute...

I had a d'uccle chick born and 5 more pip today. I am going to need Easter candy names too
Marshmallow, Brach, oh someone already said jelly bean.. I like jelly bean the best...

My new chicks arrived today and are doing excellent!!!

Partridge Rocks, SOOOOOO pretty - 3 females and 1 roo

Buff Rocks - 10 females and a roo

Light Brahmas - 9 females

and 2 Exotic ones that I'm not sure which are which!

I have two extra 'brown' ones, but they look SO similar to the Partridge Rocks not sure which is a PR and which isn't!

This was my first experience with mail order chicks and from the moment I knew they were airborne I was a nervous wreck!
Congrats on the new babies!!!
Evening : )

Is anyone planning to go to the sale at Inola (Chupps) on May 3rd? I thought I might take my grandkids and look for some white and fawn Indian runner ducklings. I also want to find an old (but in good condition) little tikes play house that I can use as a shelter for my geese, for when they're old enough to be outside. Right now they're in a big brooder making big messes. I love the little guys, but man oh man they can make a puddle out of nothing.
I know you were interested in a NN dark skinned male, did you have any other preference, as far as feather color or top knot?
That's like taking a kid to toys r us andn telling them to pick what they want.LOL I really don't except I'm not crazy about barred rock, but I do have dominques and I think some in the babies Glenn got at Orschlens. As far as the top knott, it doesn't matter. I have different types in the bator w/ top knotts so it isn't a must have. I'm planning on giving him a mixed harem of breeds, so u do what is best. I think all u told me was that the Fm gene(can't remember what it is) was something I would want to breed to the silkies for showgirls. Sometrhing that will go w/everything , since u know what you're doing and I don't. I love them all. Love the new pics of Rudy u posted today. Gary is right. Rudy is a girl. Too sweet to be a rooster. Since I've neverm seen NN before as babies, I wouldn't be able to tell/ I can tell on most of my breeds by three weeks, though some are a bit tougher. Thanks and now that u know what I want to do, u choose. I alrady know it will be sweet and tame.
Hey Everyone!! Been a busy last few days. The auction at Coweta was great!!! What made it extra wonderful is getting to meet and put faces to names. Came home with two lovely white ameraucana pullets (Thanks Dusti!), two beautiful lavender orpington pullets and two other hen that are just the most gorgeous birds. If I have time tomorrow I will take pictures. The feathering on these girls are amazing..
Yesterday my daughter came over and we had egg salad, watched some Game of Thrones and then she helped me move my coop on to the platform I built for it.. That was such a wonderful thing for her to do..
Today after work I put a new tarp on the floor of the coop then put all the roosting racks and nesting boxes back into the coop. Decided to put a small side door next to the coop to have another access point in the yard otherwise I have to go all the way around to the end and will that really is not very convenient and the remodel of the coop and chicken yard is all about everything being more convenient and easier to care for the birds. I will have the coop and yard completed by the end of this next weekend. Then I can work on setting up the watering and feeding system.. I am down to 5 weeks to get everything done. Quickly running out of time...
Congrats on the new babies!!!

Thanks muesky - Good luck with your project and I hope you get it completed in time :)

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