***OKIES in the BYC III ***

@ashtree. What are you asking for them and where do you live?

10 each and I'm in the Norman area.

Except that it is a van...what came to mind was the Clampets jalapoly piled high with everything!

:lau oh that's even better! If only we'd struck oil first!!!! :gig

@KsaneYou weren't kidding; these girls are loud!!! They would put any rooster in his place! They happily jumped in their pond, gossiping the whole time. Arlo ended up knee deep trying to get them in for the night. It was hilarious. Arlo would catch one, hand it to a younger brother, go in for another, younger brother lets his go. :gig I wish I'd had a camera! Arlo named the other two pit pat and paddlewack. Im pretty sure that's from a Beatrix Potter book. :) I really wish you could have seen him with them. He was so happy. :)
10 each and I'm in the Norman area.
:lau oh that's even better! If only we'd struck oil first!!!! :gig

@KsaneYou weren't kidding; these girls are loud!!! They would put any rooster in his place! They happily jumped in their pond, gossiping the whole time. Arlo ended up knee deep trying to get them in for the night. It was hilarious. Arlo would catch one, hand it to a younger brother, go in for another, younger brother lets his go. :gig I wish I'd had a camera! Arlo named the other two pit pat and paddlewack. Im pretty sure that's from a Beatrix Potter book. :) I really wish you could have seen him with them. He was so happy. :)

They're very loud lol I could always hear them over the roosters. Every day is a new day for them, wait'll you hear them in the morning. It seems so quiet with only 50 roosters now :lol:
They're very nice ducks but they convinced me all the more that ducks really need ponds. Kiddie pools just don't cut it :)
@Ksane You weren't kidding; these girls are loud!!! They would put any rooster in his place! They happily jumped in their pond, gossiping the whole time. Arlo ended up knee deep trying to get them in for the night. It was hilarious. Arlo would catch one, hand it to a younger brother, go in for another, younger brother lets his go.
I wish I'd had a camera! Arlo named the other two pit pat and paddlewack. Im pretty sure that's from a Beatrix Potter book.
I really wish you could have seen him with them. He was so happy.

they so enjoy life! it is hysterical really! treats bring mine in, popcorn is a favorite-
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So far we have an 1.4 inches of slow soaking rain. We are loving it. This is just what the garden, pastures and ponds need.

Will be meeting Mitzi later this morning with the Cochin.

And then will drive on to Edmond to have lunch with my daughter and little grandsons.

We are enjoying the cooler temperatures too. The chickens are out walking in between showers. Then they run under the tractors, trucks and equipment to get out of the rain.....I guess it is good to have those as protection and shade parked close to the barn. Sometimes we have people stop thinking we are the equipment auction that is a mile down the road.
raining here, love this time of year, fall is my season!
finished covering the main run,so no guineas chasing the chickens, still need a home for Mr T- the boy needs a flock of his own...

I lucked out at the Stilwell Auction last night! I got 8 Blue Double Lace Barnevelder chicks at a good price! They will go nicely with the ones I have that came from GreenFire Farms in Florida! My flock is growing! Yay! Hope everyone enjoys this wonderful weather!
I love the rain, but can't wait for cooler weather with no rain...maybe this afternoon for us, haha. I have a ton I want to get done.

If @ashtree's SFHs look anything like mine (and they should since they were all hatchmates), they are gorgeous and sweet! I lucked out and got 1 boy/1 girl. When/where is the next capon class? Or who does that on here? I'd love to keep my boy, but don't need another functioning roo. Lol.

I have 5 large fowl and 1 bantam cochin, possibly frizzled, in the mini bator due in 5 days. I am not good at candling, but I think they're all still growing.

My flock was NPIP tested yesterday. If there is ever a reason to keep a small flock, it is the fact that ALL your birds have to be tested for the first five years. Lol. Next year,assuming I do it again, I will put them in dog crates after going to roost. Some of my coops are set up in a way that makes testing easy. My silo coop is not.

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Met with our wonderfully sweet @Nanakat and picked up a beautiful Blue Cochin boy and his equally gorgeous girls. He looks so much like the Blue Cochin boy I used to have I told my husband if they were standing side by side I don't know that I could tell the difference. They're settled out of the rain in their 10x10 kennel with food, water & a 4x3 wooden doghouse with a low roost bar stuffed full of shavings.
The Cochin boy did have to reprimand one of his girls for admiring the flirting rooster outside their fence. He beak-smacked her on the head and shoved her away from the fence :lau He's wonderfully protective of his girls lol
Nana, thank you so much for these very special birds.

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