***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Yes I've decided I will go to the auction. I cancelled my other activity. I will probably have all my kids with me. Will bring your honey! It's $16.50 for the quart.

Good thinking.

Yikes glad you were home to stop it! Is he hurt very badly?

These are my two special pretties- that stayed in the brooder shed until they were like 8 weeks old because I'm scared to death to lose them. They are Rees line Cream Legbars, the only pair that survived the shipments from Florida and a AC outage in the shed this summer. Greenfire Farms won't ship to me anymore, because every box they've tried to send me has been dead or nearly dead thanks to the postal service- so they are irreplaceable.

The coloring is such a pretty - almost pearl like! Maybe you can do a road trip to greenfire?
Maybe someday... but between the logistics of animal care, packing four kids, and the expense of driving to florida with the obligatory stop at Disney World it won't be anytime soon!
My baby Amy was attacked by a dog this evening! Stupid little terrier dog. I hadnt ever seen this dog before until about an hour before, he was wandering with a family walking down the streetn he stopped to pee on my tree and I almost said something to the lady, but I didnt want to come off rude. I should have just been rude :(. Amy has multiple punctures on her wing and chest, but the worst part is her tail and lower back. She has tears, deep punctures and at least one broken rib. She was able to stand but whenshe attempted to stretch her right leg the left kinda gave out on her for a sec. I had called a very good friend and she came over and her and her husband came by and cleaned and stitched her up. Gave her a shot of tylan and comforted me. Im so upset but she is awesome at keeping me calm! Here are a few pix. I have a thread under emergencies that ill keep updatedm I dont want to spam the okie thread but I wanted to tell my fellow okies how amazing my friend is and ask for prayers n she was my first chick so she is my baby! Ty

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Hi jaxia: Now that is a very good friend to have. Hope your chick pulls out okay.
I was out in the barn today kinda singin' to m'self, and sat down for a moment, when a lil rhode island bantam jumped up on my lap, and got right up in my face, and began singin' back at me. I think she was trying to show me she had a better voice that I.
Hi jaxia: Now that is a very good friend to have.  Hope your chick pulls out okay.
I was out in the barn today kinda singin' to m'self, and sat down for a moment, when a lil rhode island bantam jumped up on my lap, and got right up in my face, and began singin' back at me.  I think she was trying to show me she had a better voice that I.
yes, the best kind to have! I appreciate all she and her hub did for Amy, but she didnt make it.:( I think after this loss I may be done all together. Ive lost 3 in 5 months. Just have to break it to my daughter and re-home my 3 remaining. Ty for your kind words :)
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Quote: i am so sorry!! reconsider giving up though- we have all been there, you learn from each one, and the birds you have or any new ones will heal your broken heart- my way of looking at it, i lost a whole flock by not quarantining, lost one of by first birds to my own dog, which is now after much work, trust worthy with them- the birds you have now need you - focus on them and let them heal your heart
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yes, the best kind to have! I appreciate all she and her hub did for Amy, but she didnt make it.
I think after this loss I may be done all together. Ive lost 3 in 5 months. Just have to break it to my daughter and re-home my 3 remaining. Ty for your kind words

I am sorry she didn't make it, it is always hard when they don't.
Did you lose the others to preditor also?
Oh no!!! Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. They get to us. We get a chicken thinking it's just a chicken, a silly animal that lays eggs, then we realize they have real personalities and are capable of devotion and warmth and trust, and it changes something inside of us. I honestly believe I'm a better person for the lessons I have learned from my flock. Just yesterday I went out to clear some of them out of an area they shouldn't be in, a spot where I'm putting up a fence, and the silly birds keep getting around the corner and getting stuck in there. Well, my Bumpers was in there with the others, so I couldn't just pick her up and drop her over the fence like the rest, due to her partially crippled leg. The entire time I was gathering the others, she stood in one spot and gazed up at me, waiting, not even pacing around testing the fence like the others. I watched her doing this for a minute, then I realized that she knew that she COULD wait, that I would be there for her and take her where she needed to be, and that she trusted me to care for her. When I picked her up she settled into my arms and it felt like we were both home, no matter where we were. It's heartbreaking when we lose one we care for so deeply. I can see why you would want to not have to go through that again. But if you do decide to share your life with another flock, I can see why you would do that, too.
yes, the best kind to have! I appreciate all she and her hub did for Amy, but she didnt make it.
I think after this loss I may be done all together. Ive lost 3 in 5 months. Just have to break it to my daughter and re-home my 3 remaining. Ty for your kind words
Oh; that's hard to swallow. I don't know of any owner of poultry who hasn't experienced brutal losses from their flocks, But what keeps me going is that they give me such joy and satisfaction, and some develop special personalities that stand out above all the rest that God provides to replace the sadness of the losses we've sustained.
Hope you reconsider.

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