***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Hey y'all. I am still new to Oklahoma I need some help. Are there any Small animal and poultry auctions or swaps Nov. 20 through the 30th? My uncle will be in From out of state and wants to attend some. Thank you. :)
i am so sorry!! reconsider giving up though- we have all been there, you learn from each one, and the birds you have or any new ones will heal your broken heart- my way of looking at it, i lost a whole flock by not quarantining, lost one of by first birds to my own dog, which is now after much work, trust worthy with them- the birds you have now need you - focus on them and let them heal your heart
my DH has convinced me to carry on! He is so sweet. I kinda forced the chicken farm onto him. He knew we wouldnt have the ideal location for safety but I pushed and then we had chickens! Ive wanted some for as long as I can remember and he said thatI cant give up. Ill want em back I the spring and that My Amy was just special and maybe now I can try and limit the emotional attattachment. Which I doubt and im sure he does too! Lol
I am sorry she didn't make it, it is always hard when they don't. :hugs Did you lose the others to preditor also?
the first one we lost to our dog. She was my 7 yo daughters chick and Amys little buddy. She was about 2 months old. We didnt secure the potential gap under the fence and chickens scratch. :\ our dog pulled her thru and she didnt make itn it was nowhere near as violent. She didnt have any punctures but her back was broken. The second one lost was one of 2 we acquired after that loss. She must have been sick when got her. She was always really small and walked weird. She lost the use of a leg and all went downhill from there. I learned to not get anything from someone you dont know. But as a newbie I figured it would b easier to introduce an older chick to Amy rather than a baby.
Oh no!!! Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. They get to us. We get a chicken thinking it's just a chicken, a silly animal that lays eggs, then we realize they have real personalities and are capable of devotion and warmth and trust, and it changes something inside of us. I honestly believe I'm a better person for the lessons I have learned from my flock. Just yesterday I went out to clear some of them out of an area they shouldn't be in, a spot where I'm putting up a fence, and the silly birds keep getting around the corner and getting stuck in there. Well, my Bumpers was in there with the others, so I couldn't just pick her up and drop her over the fence like the rest, due to her partially crippled leg. The entire time I was gathering the others, she stood in one spot and gazed up at me, waiting, not even pacing around testing the fence like the others. I watched her doing this for a minute, then I realized that she knew that she COULD wait, that I would be there for her and take her where she needed to be, and that she trusted me to care for her. When I picked her up she settled into my arms and it felt like we were both home, no matter where we were. It's heartbreaking when we lose one we care for so deeply. I can see why you would want to not have to go through that again. But if you do decide to share your life with another flock, I can see why you would do that, too.
Yes, my DH tried to explain the whole Its a farm animal mentality to me but she was my first and we had a special connection. She was a stubborn lil stinker sometimes but I loved her.
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Yes, either one was possible. I tried to keep the outfit close as I could to his color to avoid it. Even when I took the outfit off Rudy he still went after him. I have known it was going to be possible from the first and I can't let them fight it out b/c Rudy is completely defenseless. I have no choice, Rudy has to have clothes to have a chance at surviving winter outside. Maybe w/ a hen of his own he will be okay w/ the rabbits until we get the walipini built. That was going to double as chicken home for my naked chickens. The outfit may have triggered it, but I think it was coming anyway.
Hope the Rudester gets better soon.

Hi jaxia: Now that is a very good friend to have. Hope your chick pulls out okay.
I was out in the barn today kinda singin' to m'self, and sat down for a moment, when a lil rhode island bantam jumped up on my lap, and got right up in my face, and began singin' back at me. I think she was trying to show me she had a better voice that I.
She wanted to sing harmony with you male voice!
@Jaxia I've had chickens for 3 1/2 yrs now and lost so many favorites. I've given up so many times. This last go round I lost about 10 of the only ones I relented and hatched (let hatch and raised) this year. It's heartbreaking to me. Some can take it and go on, more power to them. But I'm done, too. I'm going to keep keep who's here and just let them live out their natural lives, but no more.

I love Bumpers.
@Jaxia I've had chickens for 3 1/2 yrs now and lost so many favorites. I've given up so many times. This last go round I lost about 10 of the only ones I relented and hatched (let hatch and raised) this year. It's heartbreaking to me. Some can take it and go on, more power to them. But I'm done, too. I'm going to keep keep who's here and just let them live out their natural lives, but no more.

I love Bumpers.

im so sorry! It's just so hard on our hearts isn't it? I can't ever imagine replacing Amy, but after the deaths of the previous 2 we got new chicks to make sure we had enuf to keep eachother warm in the winter. Now my daughter is all well we get a new one right? Even as we speak she is having the same conversation with me that I did with her when hers died. Role reversal anyone? Lol. I love BRs and I still have a 6 week old that will look just like Amy and I may just call her Amy Farrah Fowler 2. Now to find a replacement heat source. Id love a silver/blue english bantam. Do they have those with clean legs?
im so sorry! It's just so hard on our hearts isn't it? I can't ever imagine replacing Amy, but after the deaths of the previous 2 we got new chicks to make sure we had enuf to keep eachother warm in the winter. Now my daughter is all well we get a new one right? Even as we speak she is having the same conversation with me that I did with her when hers died. Role reversal anyone? Lol. I love BRs and I still have a 6 week old that will look just like Amy and I may just call her Amy Farrah Fowler 2. Now to find a replacement heat source. Id love a silver/blue english bantam. Do they have those with clean legs?
There are some self blue old english bantams that are clean legged.

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