***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Anyone here from Del City?
Moving from OKC city limits to Del City (less than a mile away, but completely different ordinances...) and if I read all the code correctly, chickens are allowed as long as it's clean, doesn't stink, and is 200 ft away from other people's houses (we'll probably be close on that one)
Did I read those right? (they even allow asian pot bellied pigs but no other swine.)
I miss little Pphhtthheevennnn, but I'm glad he's with friends. He was getting lonely here.

The swap at Caney Ridge looked great, but we couldn't stay. I picked out the three little pigs I'd traveled for, paid, and put everyone back in the truck. We rushed home, put the piglets in their new pen, had lunch, and then loaded up the goose and drove to Okemah. Ashtree - Your husband reminds me of someone I knew ages ago. Quiet, reserved, attractive in a beard (something that doesn't work for all men), soft-spoken, fluid in his transition from adult talk to kid talk. He went into the Peace Corps after college, and I don't know where he ended up. I've heard we all have a double somewhere. Maybe it's true.

I'll take piggie portraits after work. They're going to need names. Put your "clever" caps on and offer your suggestions tomorrow.

One will have to be Wilbur. lol
I miss little Pphhtthheevennnn, but I'm glad he's with friends. He was getting lonely here.

The swap at Caney Ridge looked great, but we couldn't stay. I picked out the three little pigs I'd traveled for, paid, and put everyone back in the truck. We rushed home, put the piglets in their new pen, had lunch, and then loaded up the goose and drove to Okemah. Ashtree - Your husband reminds me of someone I knew ages ago. Quiet, reserved, attractive in a beard (something that doesn't work for all men), soft-spoken, fluid in his transition from adult talk to kid talk. He went into the Peace Corps after college, and I don't know where he ended up. I've heard we all have a double somewhere. Maybe it's true.

I'll take piggie portraits after work. They're going to need names. Put your "clever" caps on and offer your suggestions tomorrow.
He's my big sweety. Glad you liked him too. Our last name is Rose and I've called him Rose or Rosey for years before the name came back in style. No matter, we'll be walking through Target or wherever and Ill say "Rosey" and I think most people are surprised to see him answer.

The goose is good. She's trying really hard to get the ducks to like her, but they seem kind of intimidated by her. Hopefully after sharing a coop for a few days they'll understand she's a big sweety. Because I can already tell she is. She went right to the ducks and is just following them around. Its making Arlo sad that they won't play with her. But I think they'll be buddies soon. Elden (the boy you met) has named the goose Angel due to her wing, which I'm wondering if I can just cut? Id like to only because Im afraid it will get stuck on stuff as well live in a bit of a blackberry forest.

Oh and I like the name Penelope for a pig.

@HeyBigRhondaq I love this little cochin. She's so sweet already. I named her Claire, and she's mine. I know I said the rose comb was mine but 1 of the kids (Suki) fell in love, so Norma is now hers. Sorry you had to wait around, I felt so bad when I saw your daughter in the car. I imagine waiting on someone to pick up a chicken is no teenagers idea of fun. I really wish my phone had been working in the store because I was there the entire time!

@kelielliott get as many or as few eggs as you want. As long as you're not spending a fortune, go for it! I wouldn't spend a lot right now because its your first run with the incubator and being out $$$ and chicks is no fun. I think my first run I bought 12 eggs, broke 1 (which seems to be a trend around here) and hatched 7.

@Nuggetirl Good to see you on, did your Scooter end up a girl? I hope your area allows chickens, and if so will you move them outside?

Ordered the oxine, I'm excited as Ive read so many awesome things about it.
@Nuggetirl Good to see you on, did your Scooter end up a girl? I hope your area allows chickens, and if so will you move them outside?
Scooter is almost definitely a girl. Small comb, girly crest, no crowing.
I think I'll move them outside. Might do an indoor coop but make a tractor for them to be in during the day. I like the interaction I get with them being inside pets, I just don't like the upkeep. I clean their indoor house every single week. (not to mention my husband hates having them inside.)
Also @Poco Pollo what are her favorite treats? She hasn't showed any interest in food yet. Geez I love her, she really follows me around the yard, so proud looking with her head in the air.
Scooter is almost definitely a girl. Small comb, girly crest, no crowing.
I think I'll move them outside. Might do an indoor coop but make a tractor for them to be in during the day. I like the interaction I get with them being inside pets, I just don't like the upkeep. I clean their indoor house every single week. (not to mention my husband hates having them inside.)
so glad for a girl! SIlkies are so great.

Oh and to be honest, you'll probably be cleaning an outdoor coop just as much, I feel like almost every morning Im cleaning something! But your husband won't mind
I absolutely love the little new chick "poop wiggle"!!!!!!!  It still makes me smile, never gets old!!!

My favorite is then learning how to drink water :-D Such drama throwing their heads back and gulping it down, then they lose their balance because they're so uncoordinated lol

My d'Anver and OEGB babies are so cute, but the teeny tiny quail are like MiniB. They are about 1.5 inches when hatched. I grind the baby crumble in the coffee grinder and add fish meal for the extra protein. let me know if you need some...I will share...quickly.

You are so kind! This handfeeding formula is high in protein and calories so it should be good. I greatly appreciate your generosity though.
I feed the Seramas the same thing I feed the Pigeons, it's a pelleted Pigeon feed called Nutriblend, the stuff's pretty awesome. There's a green and a gold formula, one with higher protein. You mix then together in different percentages to get the protein % you want. Or you can just feed one or the other. (They also get layer pellets but prefer the Pigeon pellets). Anyway-I was going to grind some of that for him today and leave that in with him. I've heard of people using crumbles for actual bedding for teeny birds, that sounds like a good plan to me and I may do that.
My favorite is then learning how to drink water :-D Such drama throwing their heads back and gulping it down, then they lose their balance because they're so uncoordinated lol
You are so kind! This handfeeding formula is high in protein and calories so it should be good. I greatly appreciate your generosity though.
I feed the Seramas the same thing I feed the Pigeons, it's a pelleted Pigeon feed called Nutriblend, the stuff's pretty awesome. There's a green and a gold formula, one with higher protein. You mix then together in different percentages to get the protein % you want. Or you can just feed one or the other. (They also get layer pellets but prefer the Pigeon pellets). Anyway-I was going to grind some of that for him today and leave that in with him. I've heard of people using crumbles for actual bedding for teeny birds, that sounds like a good plan to me and I may do that.
I think sand is a perfect bedding / brooder material, and seems it would be perfect for little birds.
We are still packing and moving the SIL. She had foot surgery and can't stand on it yet. This morning I was still packing canned goods and home canned jellies. She is a coupon queen and grew up during the depression. We have been packing and moving pantry goods for the past several days. Mil is the same way. Combining the two pantries is like restocking grocery shelves! Combining two household freezers is a challenge. They won't need to go to a grocery store for months!
well foo..a couple of weeks ago i had three of young birds tucking there heads in so i put them in my sick cage and gave them corid one of them could barely hold it head up when i was caring it. it and one other died the other one seemed to improve then 3 days ago i notice another young bird acting funny so i put it in the sick cage with the recovering bird and and more corid to the water it seems better but the recovering one is now barley able to stand and cant hold up it head so did i poison it with the corid or is something else going on? I didn't think i would hurt her or i would have keep them separated.

This one and one that died i hatched and an egg exploded in the incubator with it could that be part of the problem? The other one that died though was an EE that i bought a POOPS so idk.

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