***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Could your duck hen have external and/or internal parasites? Lice and worms can make a plump bird waste away.
i gave her safeguard yesterday, did you know there is no 'official' wormer for ducks?? anyway, then the nutradrench, and by tonite she was walking better - i think she will be in the poofy pen for awhile, i also ivomeced, so i think i better do the same with the others too
The husband and I just bought the house I was talking about. NOW TO MAKE A CHICKEN RUN.
(btw, the cochin started laying! the eggs look identical to the OEGB eggs though. I was hoping I could tell them apart if I ever wanted to have baby cochins.)
I hope this will fix the bullying issues that just popped up as well. Someone is pulling out feathers on the silkie in just ONE SPOT. I made some changes and hoped it would help, and I thought it was, her feathers were growing in, but then several got pulled back out. I may need to separate her so that they don't pop a pin feather. I just have never seen which bird is doing it to her, though I can almost guarantee it's the cochin unless she's randomly doing it to herself.
The husband and I just bought the house I was talking about. NOW TO MAKE A CHICKEN RUN.
(btw, the cochin started laying! the eggs look identical to the OEGB eggs though. I was hoping I could tell them apart if I ever wanted to have baby cochins.)
I hope this will fix the bullying issues that just popped up as well. Someone is pulling out feathers on the silkie in just ONE SPOT. I made some changes and hoped it would help, and I thought it was, her feathers were growing in, but then several got pulled back out. I may need to separate her so that they don't pop a pin feather. I just have never seen which bird is doing it to her, though I can almost guarantee it's the cochin unless she's randomly doing it to herself.
Congrastulations on the home purchase!

Where are the feathers being pulled? If on the head, the roosters use their beak to grab hold of feathers on the head to help them balance as they breed a hen. Often she loses some of those feathers.
Shakespear may be safe after all for a while longer anyway. I have an up and comer boy I've been calling Riker b/c he wants to be a ladies man, anyway was halfway thinking about replacing Shakespear w/ him but he did the wing dance at me, so .............................................. I have my eye on him, he may not be around long enough for much "ladies manning"
I've not seen this kind of damage, except maybe the aftermath. If I'm not diligent enough with theivermectin I use for mites, I occasionally see brittle skin formed over an area that looks somewhat like that. Mites are difficult to see, and silkies seem to be especially susceptible because of their feather structure. Robin showed a pic once of the brittle skin I'm talking about. Maybe she has some input. Since I've been using DE pretty diligently in their bedding and runs, as well as Ivermectin on their skin, I seem to have little to no problem with mites.
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